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与 Maria 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bryant was married to his wife Vanessa in April 2001, and they have two daughters, Natalia Diamante and Gianna Maria Onore.

在2001年,科比和妻子瓦内莎结婚,现有2个女儿——纳塔莉亚-迪亚曼特和Gianna Maria Onore。

But now we truly are extending: the Dow-Jones Industrial Average now across five hundred points, Maria, on the decline.


The Radio City event "is kind of a P.R. front to try to normalize Falun Gong's image, so that people don't think of it as some kind of a wacko cult," said Maria Hsia Chang, a professor of political science, emerita, at the University of Nevada, Reno, who wrote a book about Falun Gong.

曾撰写过一本有关法轮功书籍的内华达州大学瑞诺分校政治学荣誉退休教授张霞(Maria Hsia Chang ,译音)说:无线电城音乐厅演出"是一种公关门面,旨在使得法轮功形象正常化,这样人们不会认为它是某种邪教。"

We firstly visited Clara Maria Cheese Farm and Clog Factory.

我们首先到达的目的地是 Clara Maria 奶酪农场和木鞋制造工厂。

But Schumacher's young daughter Gina-Maria answered the phone and told Montezemolo that her Daddy was "getting out of his football boots".


"I would like to remind you we are thinking of other and even more ambitious projects or should we say dreams, among other things a solar energy system on 741 acres at the santa maria di galleria site."

"容我提醒各位,我们其实是考虑其它更有挑战性的计划-----或者说是梦想吧,特别是还有在加勒里亚〔santa maria di galeria〕地方建造741英亩的太阳能系统的计划。"

In the afternoon, their movie was going to be showed, until then I knew that the white woman of the four was the director of the movie——Maria Joao Ganga.

下午是他们电影的首映,那时我才知道原来四人中的那个白人女的是这部电影的导演——Maria Ganga。

My mother became a woman in that hellhole and filled the space in everybody's heart after typhus carried off Margarita Maria Miniata.

也就在那个糟糕不堪的地方,我的母亲逐渐成长为一个女人,并且,在斑疹伤寒带走了Margarita Maria Miniata以后,她成了家庭的主心骨。

His parents, José Dinis and Maria Dolores, were respectively a gardener and a cook, and despite being described by his compatriot, former Chelsea manager José Mourinho, as 'ill-educated', the youngest of their four children is said to have been reasonably diligent at school.

他的父母亲,José Dinis 和Maria Dolores分别是园丁和厨师。尽管小小罗被他的葡萄牙同胞,前切尔西主帅何塞·穆里尼奥描述成是"缺乏教育",作为四个孩子中最小的一个,小小罗依然被认为在学校中还是相当勤勉的。

"These areas … have been underfunded relative to their importance globally, and the committee determined that the United States can make a substantial contribution in moving forward the research agenda in these critical areas," said Maria Freire, a committee member and president of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, which funds biomedical research.

"这些领域……相对于它们的全球重要性而言得到的资助不足,该委员会认为美国可以在促进这些关键领域的研究议程方面做出显著贡献,"该委员会的委员、资助生物医学研究的Albert 和Mary Lasker基金会的主席 Maria Freire说。

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
