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与 Maria 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But to young Chinese like Maria and Vicky, the Tiananmen protests are less a source of inspiration than an admonishment.


Oh maria,i dont want to talk anymore ,i dont want to affray,only hope you listen to me.


My name is Ilie Maria, the teacher of Arusandei Andrei Paul. From the beginning of the letter I want you to know that I'm very grateful in the name of the child and the family for everything you've done for them.

我是 Arusandei Andrei Paul 的老师 Ilie Maria ,在这封信的一开始我想要让您知道,我非常的感激您对这孩子以及他的家庭所做的ㄧ切。

St. Gaudentius, Bishop of Brescia in the beginning of the fifth century (d. about 410 or 427), received particles of the ashes of martyrs during a voyage in the East, and placed them with other relics in the altar of the basilica which he had erected, at the consecration of which he delivered a discourse, still extant (PL, XX, 959 sqq.) Near the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, in the Roman Forum, built in the fifth century, a chapel was found, built, like the church itself, on an ancient site, and consecrated to the Forty Martyrs.

圣gaudentius主教,布雷西亚在年初五世纪(四约410或427 ),收到颗粒骨灰的烈士,在航程中在东部地区,并把他们与其他文物,在祭坛上的大教堂,其中他曾架设,在consecration这期间,他发表了话语,仍尚存(特等, XX条, 959 sqq )附近的教堂Santa Maria antiqua ,在罗马广场,建於5世纪,一个小礼拜堂被发现,建像教会本身,对一个古老的网站,以及consecrated至第四十四烈士。

Spanish voters punished Prime Minister Jose Maria Azan's People's Party for the bloodshed of last week's terrorist attacks in Madrid, throwing it out of government in an angry reaction to his handling of the aftermath.

西班牙选举人借上星期的在马德里发生的恐怖袭击事件惩罚了总理大臣Jose Maria政党,结果在一怒之下把J政府赶下了台。

Matters began to move more rapidly when in 1870 the Father Custos of the Holy Land sent Fra Giuseppe Maria Baldi to take care of Tabor.

当1870年,事情已开始很快速地行动,圣地监理人神父派遣Fra Giuseppe Maria Baldi关心大博尔。

First bassist Maria was their old friend, so she agreed to play with the boys.


In 1907, a big garden festival was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary for the establishment of Mannheim in Germany. German Architects Peter Behrens and Max Laeuger designed the exhibited gardens for this festival. All these gardens together with those in Kuenstlerkolonie in Darmstadt from 1901 to 1908, designed by Austrian Architect Joseph Maria Olbrich, were referred as ArtNouveauGardens in many landscape history books.

一百年前的1907年,德国曼海姆市为庆祝建城300周年举办了大型的园艺展,德国建筑师 Peter Behrens 和 Max Laeuger 设计了其中的展览花园,这些花园与奥地利建筑师 Joseph Maria Olbrich 从1901到1908年之间在德国达姆斯塔特的"艺术家之村"设计的一系列的展览花园一起,成为后来许多园林史书籍都要涉及到的具有新艺术精神的花园。

Perceptual full Maria Ewing like the fire is not only warm the gypsy girl, annotates incisively, regarding acts bashful the appearance which Carmen that stock abandons oneself to Bohemianism, with to spousal Holland west cruel treatment, until death regretless making an all-out effort, the skill is superb, actually!

感性十足的Maria Ewing不仅将吉普赛女郎的如火热情,诠释得淋漓尽致,对于拿捏卡门那股放浪形骸的模样,和对爱人荷西残忍相待,至死无悔的狠劲,功力更是出神入化,硬是了得!

"Our observations, combined with those of others, suggest that widespread axonal dysfunction is associated with fatigue in MS," write Maria Carmela Tartaglia, BSc, MD, from Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital in Quebec, Canada, and colleagues."It may be hypothesized that diffuse white matter disease translates into an increase in the central nervous system effort required by a patient with MS to perform the same activity as compared with a disease-free subject, with resultant fatigue."

来自加拿大魁北克医院及蒙特娄神经学学会的Maria Carmela Tartaglia博士和其同僚表示,他们的观察结合了其他人的之后建议,多发性硬化症患者的疲劳症状和广泛性轴突功能障碍和有密切关联,其可被假设为为当多发性硬化症患者在和其他正常人做同一活动时,其弥漫性白质疾病导致中枢神经做功增加,而产生较疲劳的结果。

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
