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Low Mass相关的网络例句

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与 Low Mass 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cavitation erosion is related to bubbles.Bubbles pop out from drilling fluid in vacuum conditiun and form air mass against cyclinder well.For low resistance to pressure,air mass happen explosion when compressed,making cyclinder wall cavitated.


To produce super low carbon steel which final carbon content is lower than or equal to 13×10~(-6),factors which effect decarburization were analyzed thermodynamically and kinetically,and measures were taken to further reduce the final carbon content of IF steel ,preparing for mass production of super low carbon steel were proposed.

本文简单介绍了宝钢股份宝钢分公司炼钢厂为生产成品碳≤13×10~(-6)的极低碳 IF 钢,分析了 IF 钢脱碳的热力学和动力学条件,阐述了进一步降低成品碳采取的对策措施和达到的效果,为大批量生产极低碳钢提供指导。

Inadequate bone mass accrual in childhood may result in low bone mass and/or osteoporosis in later life.


In every group, rabbits were subdivided into experimental and control subgroups. 2 Rabbits were bullets injected followed by continuous injected with 13C labeled leucine, glucose, and lactic acid; 3 Blood were drewed before and 150, 160, 170, and 180 min after the initiation of isotopes injection for material analysis; 4 Exhale gas were collected every 5 min in the first 30 min followed by every 30 min there after for material analysis; 5 After centrifuge in low temp the supernatant of the blood samples were collected and went through axon and anon exchange column treatment; 6 Treated blood sample was used for 13C labeled leucine, glucose lactic acid examination through mass spectrograph; 7 The exhale gas was collected for 13CO2 exam through gas-phase mass spectrograph; 8 CO2 total production rate (V13CO2), body various substances production, oxidation speed, and substances metabolic percentage all can be calculated through equations provided by references below; 9 Data was processed through student t test.


3Ensemble character of structural planes as follows: In left dam abutment, meta basalt schistosity is main, and the structure is clockwise. Low dip angle jointing didnt develop in rock mass; In right dam abutment, rupture and jointing structural plane is main, and the structure is reversed. The structure was of obvious macroscopical slaty character. Constructional soft rock mass belt with some thickness developed.


Therefore, the theory of low-pressure gas mass transfer in capillaries provides a new method for describing the mass transfer process in microwave freeze drying of capillaceous porousmaterial.


Abstract] objective to discuss radiological findings of parosteal osteosarcoma on emphasis combined with clinical pathology and literature.methods 4 cases of parosteal osteosarcoma proved by operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.results female was 3 cases,male was 1 case,average age was 30.5 years old,these tumors were arised on posterior border of distal femur and popliteal cavity,presented as lobular dense ossified mass,defined lesion.one case had villose margin.a thin narrow lucent zone separated the mass from the cortex at two cases.one case underwent angiography,there was no malignant feature.conclusion parosteal osteosarcoma may be divided into low-grade type and high-grade type.radiological manifestations of early stage possess character,early diagnosis conduces to establish rational treating plan and evaluate prognosis.

目的 结合临床病理学特征和文献资料,重点讨论皮质旁骨肉瘤的x线特征。方法收集经手术、病理证实的皮质旁骨肉瘤病例4例,对其进行回顾性分析。结果 4例患者女3例,男1例,平均年龄30.5岁,肿瘤均发生于股骨远端后侧和腘窝处,表现为分叶状致密骨化肿块,边界清晰,其中1例边缘呈绒毛状改变,2例有细窄透亮带与骨皮质相隔,1例行血管造影,未见血管池等恶性征象。结论皮质旁骨肉瘤分为低度恶性和高度恶性两种,早期影像学表现有特征性,早期诊断有助于制订相应的治疗方案和评估预后。

The results showed that the low-molecular weight sodium polyacrylate from 2 000 to 4 000 were obtained when reaction temperature was 70 ℃,acrylic acid mass fraction was 20 %~30 %,the mass ratio of potassium persulphate to sodium hydrogen sulfite was 10∶1~14∶1,and reaction...


Mass famines (except for the period of the Great Leap Forward) and pestilence were wiped out; medical services for the masses meant infant mortality rates and life expectancy advanced ahead of all other low income countries; mass education was provided for all, with many peasants even gaining access to university education; efforts at 'equalising' social relations in all spheres were undertaken; and the 'iron rice bowl' provided social security for all Chinese people.


This paper presents a low-cost embedded real-time platform based on DSP and its applications in Coriolis mass flow rate meter,and proposes a different method to calculate mass flow rate,and analyzes tasks scheduling by embedded real-time system at the same time.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
