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Little America相关的网络例句

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与 Little America 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the I past's in consciousness, my these people's always don't be pay taxes, because I only is a in ordinary enterprise the a ordinary worker, pay taxes is big-little businessman, the street pedlar owners and have high take in peoples the things, however our attach America go to visit one's relatives could travel,changed our view, has very much very much the fact can prove, my these ordinary common people,also too is pay taxes people, but also nearly is day-day for the pay taxes,it for my the assemble impression is: nothing don't be obtain you pay taxes the part, nothing don't be obtain you pay taxes the billand bills more,that's mouth say nothing evidence, has bill for act credentials:.


When Matthew Kahn and Iestimated household carbon emissions across American metropolitan areas we found that the three areas with the lowest emissions were San Diego San Francisco and San Jose. Carbon emissions in these places are still more than four times the emissions in the brownest Chinese city and10 times as high as the household emissions in the average Chinese city. Thatgulf reminds us why America has so little moral authority on global warming and why the world's carbon emissions will probablysoar as China and India acquire the living patterns of prosperous nations.

Matthew Kahn和我估算着美国大都市的居民碳排放,我们发现圣地亚哥、旧金山和圣何塞是碳排放最低的3个地区,但是这些地方的碳排放仍然高出中国污染最严重的城市4倍多,而且比中国一般城市的居民排放率高出10倍,这种差距提醒我们为什么美国在全球变暖事务上没有足够的权威性,以及为什么全球的碳排放将继续增长,随着中国和印度正在向富裕国家的生活模式靠近

Ethologist Irenaus Eibl Eibesfeldt, then of the Max Planck Institute in Germany, filmed African tribes in the 1960s and found that the women there did the exact same prolonged stare followed by a head tilt away with a little smile that he saw in America. The technical name for the head movement is a "cant."

动物行为学者,那时候德国Max Planck学院的Irenaus Eibl Eibesfeldt在上个世纪的60年代拍摄了非洲部落的影片,发现那里的女性和美国女性完全一样地会长久注视、然后头稍倾斜,并发出一个微笑。

As Rob Lang of Virginia Tech has noted, the interior West is now the most urbanised region in America, largely because there is so little water outside the cities.


As Rob Lang of Virginia Tech has noted, the interior West is now the most urbanised region in America, largely because there is so little water outside the cities.


The interior West is now the most urbanised region in America, largely because there is so little water outside the cities.

&城市化最严重&宜为&城市化程度最高&,interior West 指美国西部内陆地区,这句英文中的water大概是水域。

What are you going to do 2,would you like to see some old things with us 3,when and where shall we meet 4,It's rearly seven o' clock 5,I need some books about western culture 6,Mary thanks for inviting me 7,She was a little short and heavy when she was a primary school student 8,we're coming back home by air 9,when the first English settlers arrived in America ,they had a hard time 10,the underlined world"invite"in the third paragraph means ask somebody to do something 11,we can guess there are more family reunions on thankgiving Day than on Christmas Day 12,which part of London do you come from?

你打算去做什么? 2你想和我们一起去看些旧东西吗? 3,我们在什么时间,什么地点见面。 4,现在真的7点钟了 5我需要一些有关西方文化的书。 6,Mary 感谢我的邀请。 7,当她是小学生时,她有一点矮,有点胖。 8,我们将乘飞机回来。 9,当第一批英国殖民到达美洲,他们度过了一段艰难的时光。 10,第三段中画线的单词&invite&意思是让某人做某事。 11,我们可以猜到在感恩节中重聚的家庭比在圣诞节中更多。

All of the references to America pop-culture and the idea that one little, not too bright, person could have such an influence was amusing.


Now it's a little more like working hours in America.


In 1750 there was little political basis for a national consciousness in the colonies of British North America. Each of the 13 colonies was a separate entity, with its own governor and legislative assembly.


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Little Girl (You're My Miss America)
Little Miss America
Little America

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
