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So the cardinal number of "a set of all set "is L=limΧn.
所以"所有集合的集合"的基数是is L=limΧn。
The Company is the first professional production LSR liquid silicone injection molding rubber products manufacturer, produces silicon胶制品series of products with high transparency, high-intensity LSR liquid injection molding silicone rubber production technology, introducing Lim more high-precision liquid silicon fired rubber plant, the establishment of a high standard of medical silicone rubber parts production clean rooms; products in addition to a general heat-resistant silicone rubber, cold resistance, weatherability, corrosion resistance and Excellent electrical properties, but also can be a good electrical conductivity, high hardness and high tear strength and other properties.
Lim can do simple, as demonstrated by a pair of high-waisted, pleated slacks, but he can also do complex: the crepe de chine blouse paired with those pants came with delicate sleeves of pleated tulle.
This paper presents the method of measuring thrust and vertical force of LIM based on maglev principle, the measuring of thrust and vertical force is accurate because of eliminating influence of the friction between wheel and rail.
Paul Erds once posed the following problem about real line R: is it true that, for every infinite set X, there is a closed set E with positive lebesgue measure such that E doesn't contain any subset similar to X (I.e., there is no subset of E, which is a linear homeomorphic image of X). In 1984, K. J. Falconer proved the following: for a decreasing sequence of positive numbers {xn} such that \%lim\%xn=0 and \%lim\%(xn+1)/=1, Erds problem has a partial positive answer.
叶盛 Paul Erds曾提出如下关于实直线R的问题:是否对R的每一个无限子集X,都存在一个具有正测度的闭子集E,使得E的任何子集都不相似于X(E的任何子集都不与X线性同胚)。1984年,Falconer证明了如下结论:对于一个满足limxn=0和lim(xn+1)/=1的单调递减的正实数列{x n},Erds问题有一个部分肯定的解答。
"Our main objective is to help meet the training needs of the private banking industry in Singapore and the rest of the region," says Lim Juin In, chief operating officer.
新加坡财富管理学院首席运营官Lim Juin In表示:"我们的主要目标,是协助满足新加坡及亚太地区其他国家私人银行业的培训需求。"
People were getting the impression that China simply didn't want to litigate, Lim said.
Chin Leng Lim表示:"这给人们留下的印象是中国非常不希望对簿公堂。"
JYP has named 17 year old Lim as the newest member to the quintet.
We proposed that Pp-LIM only A be a new gene coding for the LIM-domain containing protein and enhance stability of cell membrane via their effects on cytoskeleton during cold acclimation in P. patens.
Pp-LIM only A蛋白可能通过LIM结构域对细胞骨架的作用而影响了细胞膜的稳定性,本研究对其在抗冻中的作用作了进一步讨论。
1 Phillip Lim: From a shin-length blue skirt at the beginning to a series of well-tailored slacks and some flashy eveningwear, the collection was modern and artful without being overly sexy or frou-frou.
3.1 Philip Lim:从开场的过膝蓝色裙装到一系列剪裁精良的运动夹克和奢华的晚礼服,3.1 Philip Lim系列既时尚,又充满艺术元素,却不会过份性感或做作。
- 推荐网络例句
By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corruptions of the government.
The most obvious variation to ovum morphological character was that the color was changed from light green to sepiaceous in embryonic development, and all the ovums were almost hatched after 96h.
There was a conflict between plebs and patricians in ancient Rome in 494BC.