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与 Laplacian 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the paper, we study the existence and eigenvalue problem of p-Laplacian equation with No flux boundary condition in a bounded domainΩ?


In this paper ,we proved that The Laplacian radius of the complete graph of star is 2n+1


This paper puts forward a united Laplacian transform which is based on the differential geometry curve coordinate system,the practical numerical experiment results show that this method has a strong edge detection ability and produces the better effect compared with old method.


The paper focuses on the multivariate Laplacian distribution. Based on MLD, we have obtained the variance of the quadric form, the covariance of two quadric forms and the covariance of the linear function and the quadric form.


Some uniform formulae are established, which link the Laplacian of the position vector function to the mean curvature vector field on any submanifold in the space forms.


The Pinching problems are discussed on the sectional curvature of compact space-like pseudo-umbilical submanifolds M~n with parallel mean curvature vector in De Sitter space S~_p, and the theory of reduction of the codimension is obtained in De Sitter space through evaluating the Laplacian of square of the length.

讨论了De Sitter空间Snp+p中,具有平行平均曲率向量的紧致类空伪脐子流形Mn的截面曲率的拼挤问题,通过估计第二基本形式模长平方的Laplacian,得到了De Sitter空间中的余维数压缩定理。

Poisson's equation:In space where the source density is ρ, the Laplacian of a : potential U is 2 U = 4πρK, where is the operator del and K is a constant (gravitational constant in case of mass and gravitational potential).

泊松方程:在源密度为ρ的空间中,位场 U 的拉普拉斯算子为: U = 4πρK,。在米-千克其中为 del 算子,K 为常数(质量的万有引力常数和重力势)秒单位制中应去掉常数 4π。

Delta Function in Spherical Coordinates. The Laplacian of 1/r .

Delta 函数在球座标系之讨论。1/r 之拉普拉斯转换。

This paper deals with the existence of monotone positive solutions to a type of three point boundary value problems of nonlinear second-order differential equations with p-Laplacian operator .

利用锥拉伸与锥压缩不动点定理,研究一类具 p-Laplace算子的二阶微分方程的三点边值问题单调正解的存在性,给出了单调正解存在的充分条件,并确定了解曲线的凹凸性。

The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary condition on equilateral triangles are derived from one dimensional representation of D3 group.


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