英语人>网络例句>Laplacian 相关的网络例句

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与 Laplacian 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper firstly proposed some clarity-evaluation-functions of out-of-focus blurred image,they are the sum of square of gray-level gradient vector module,the sum of Roberts-gradients,and the sum of Laplacian operator.


An improved TennenGrad criterion function and an improved Laplace criterion function are proposed for microscopic coarse autofocusing, which use Sobel operators and Laplacian operators to convolve and add together the absolute values of matrix pixels for a image.


An improved TennenGrad criterion function and an improved Laplace criterion function are proposed for microscopic coarse autofocusing, which use Sobel operators and Laplacian operators to convolve and add together the absolute values of matrix pixels for a image.


InSection 2,we give several sufficient conditions for the existence of one solution,multiplesolutions and infinitely many solutions of the Sturm-Liouville bvps via the generalizedpolar coordinates.Then in Section 3,the existence of positive solutions are proved undersuperlinearity,sublinearity and many other conditions by a fixed point theorem in cones.Our results have generalized those in many articles.A detailed discussion of periodic solu-tions of a kind of functional differential equations with high-order Laplacian-like operatorcan be found in Section 4 and this subject has not been studied before.


To detect cluster Mura, the Laplacian of Gaussian filter is used.

要侦测群聚型瑕疵,我们使用了Laplacian of Gaussian滤波器。

The relationship between the seepage of uncompressible fluid described by the Darcy' s Law and the Laplacian fractals is suggested theoretically.


In feature extraction, the performance of the Laplacian of Guassian operators is improved by enhancing the resultant convolved image and calibrating with region-growing algorithm.


Repeated eigenvalues occur with high multiplicities in the Laplacian matrices of full binary tree s.


In this article, a new multigrid method for solving p-Laplacian equations is proposed based on the existing multigrid method: FAS multigrid method and Cascade multigrid method. This method is a combination of Cascade method and a new method named "back" method.


According to the distances, the SPWUG algorithm computed the initial partition of the coarsest graph by extending the Laplacian spectral graph theory from the unweighted undirected graph into the weighted undirected graph.


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Curiosity means no harm. If I were you, I would be grateful that no pranks have befallen you.


As required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, the American Liberty University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion or national origin in the admission to or participation in any educational program of activity which it might conduct, or discriminate on such basis in any employment or admissions opportunity.

美国利伯堤大学遵照1972年美国教育补充法案第IX 条的规定:不因种族、性别、宗教或国籍而歧视对待申请人的入学申请或影响学员的学术活动;也不得因上述原因而歧视对待学员的就业机会。您的浏览器不支持IFRAME功能!点击这里查看此IFRAME窗口中的内容。

Methods The recombinant plasmid of CPB, pET-21a-CPB, was constructed and transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3). The expression was induced in 25℃and 37℃, respectively. The obtained inclusion bodies were dissolved in different denaturing solution systems. The protein concentration was determined in order to indicate the solubility of CPB inclusion bodies in the denaturing solution. And probable mechanism for the solubility differences was illuminated by the analysis of unreduced SDS-PAGE.

方法构建CPB重组质粒pET-21a-CPB,将其导入表达菌株BL21(DE3)中,分别在25 ℃和37℃进行诱导表达;所得包涵体分别用不同浓度尿素添加不同还原剂溶解,以溶液中的蛋白质浓度判定其溶解性,利用非还原SDS-PAGE分析其溶解性提高的原因。