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与 Korean 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ms. Albright spoke after a second day of talks between US and North Korean negotiators in Malaysia.


He said the United States would keep stretched from the Aleutian Islands to the Philippines. Korean was not included within the perimeter.


These four tunnels proved that the North Korean army had been digging tunnels all along the truce line.


This is a Korean writing with the hefty almanac GUI source code.


Actually, only a few of the Korean Bishops are real opponents of Naju. There also are many liberal priests who oppose Naju. Then, in mid-August, we received this information from a highly reliable source in Rome that Cardinal Dias had sent another letter to Archbishop of Kwangju saying that "your restrictions do not apply to the pilgrims of Naju, as the events in Naju are considered private revelations" and also that "your restrictions on Fr. Aloysius Chang should be lifted."

鉴于仍然有"自-由派"神父反对罗州,我们通过确切渠道得到罗马方面的消息, Ivan Dias枢机单独给光州崔总主教另外一封信,内容指出:"阁下关于罗州朝圣的禁令不适用,因为该事项属于私人显现的范畴",同时指出:"阁下关于Aloysius Chang神父的禁令应被搁置"

Furthermore, the representatives from the Korean outdoor magazines- Mountain and Outdoor News- two of our supporting medias and the domestic magazine Alpinist will take part in the meeting.

另外亚洲户外展的支持媒体韩国户外杂志《 Mountain 》《 Outdoor News 》以及国内《山野》杂志的代表也会亲临现场。

The general manager of Nanjing Exhibition Center, Zhang Jian, gave a full introduction of the arrangement of the fair and the distinctive features of Nanjing, the project manager, Li Hao, then put emphasis on the favorable policies one is able to get if applied for being the members of the Asia Outdoor Trade Fair. The assistant chief editor of the magazine- Alpinist -Zhang Jida and the chief editor of the renowned Korean outdoor media-Outdoor News-John gave speech respectively as the representatives of the medias.

南京国展中心总经理张建全面介绍了亚洲户外展的筹备情况以及南京的城市特色,项目经理李皓则重点介绍申请成为亚洲户外展会员单位可以享受到的优惠政策,山野杂志副总编张吉大与韩国著名户外媒体 Outdoor News 总编约翰先生作为媒体代表发言。

KOrean is an altaic language, with a lot of wOrds from chinese!


Linguistics and ethnographic studies have confirmed that Korean belong to Central Asia Ural - Altaic.


During my ambassadorship in the DPRK, I donated books to the Korean national library on behalf of the Chinese Government.


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Korean Dogwood
Korean Dream
Korean Bird Paintings
Korean Parents
I'mma Korean
Ima Korean
Scream (Korean Version)

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。