英语人>网络例句>Ken. 相关的网络例句
与 Ken. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now producing 30,000 wishbones daily (they retail for 3 bucks a pop) Ken Ahroni, the company founder, expects 2006 sales to reach $1 million.

现在日产30,000如愿骨,公司创始人Ken Ahroni期望2006年的销售额达到一百万美元。

Jean and Ken were already waiting for me on the platform. Big warm smiles and wavings of hands greeted me in the first moment upon arriving.

Jean 和 Ken 早早就在火车站等着我,然后是一个大大的笑容配上大大的挥手等待我的到来。

Ken is very neat and a much better house wife than me ...said Noi

Ken 是个很喜欢整齐的人,而且是一个比我还称职的「家庭主妇」…… Noi 如是说。

Of course you don't actually say 'restrict freedoms', as panellist Ken Livingstone pointed out - referring in his introduction to the congestion charge when he was mayor of London – you need to spin it differently by claiming something like, 'we will introduce a pricing mechanism'.

当然,限制自由并不是不要你结交朋友。曾是伦敦市市长的Ken Livingstone,同时他也是小组讨论的专家,对拥堵费的介绍中提到每辆进伦敦市的车辆都应交纳一定数量的拥堵费,而拥堵费应被分成几个部分来收取。

Ken went from making six figures a year to $7.29 an hour, plus tips.

Ken 从每年六位数的收入到每小时 7.29 美元加小费。

And in April 2007, introduces the Japanese patent the Taiwan "CAN KEN" exempts the screw skillful solid quantity and the tray uses the ultra solid frame.

并于2007年上4月份又引进日本专利,台湾技术正钢&CAN KEN&免螺丝巧固中量架及托盘用超固架。

Ken Campbell, a codesigner of the Apple Lisa, was quoted in Kunkel's AppleDesign as saying that Jobs wanted Apple to be what Olivetti was in the 1970s:"an undisputed leader in industrial design."

Ken Campbell, Apple Lisa的核心人物,曾引用Kunkel的《苹果设计》中的理论,认为Jobs想要苹果设计成为上个世纪70年代的Olivetti:一个无可置疑的工业设计的领导者。

A few shareholders have questioned the wisdom of remaining in the textile business which, over the longer term, is unlikely to produce returns on capital comparable to those available in many other businesses. Our reasons are several:(1) Our mills in both New Bedford and Manchester are among the largest employers in each town, utilizing a labor force of high average age possessing relatively non-transferable skills. Our workers and unions have exhibited unusual understanding and effort in cooperating with management to achieve a cost structure and product mix which might allow us to maintain a viable operation.(2) Management also has been energetic and straightforward in its approach to our textile problems. In particular, Ken Chace's efforts after the change in corporate control took place in 1965 generated capital from the textile division needed to finance the acquisition and expansion of our profitable insurance operation.(3) With hard work and some imagination regarding manufacturing and marketing configurations, it seems reasonable that at least modest profits in the textile division can be achieved in the future.

部份股东开始质疑我们是否应该继续留在纺织产业,虽然就长期而言其投资报酬率明显低于其它的投资,但我们的理由有以下几个:(1)我们在纽贝福及 Manchester 的工厂都是当地最大的聘雇业者,员工的年龄偏高,缺乏转换工作的能力,同时我们的员工及其公会也已经尽其所能地与经营阶层配合努力改善成本结构及产品组合,以使我们的经营得以维持下去(2)管理阶层也相当努力同时坦承面对产业的问题,尤其是在1965年经营权易主后, Ken Chace 依然尽力尽力地协助我们把纺织部门产生稳定的资金流入转到获利更加的保险事业投资与购并之上(3)努力工作加上对制造与行销组合的乐观预期,我们的纺织事业在未来看起来应该可以维持一个起码的利润空间。

Evading a massive texas Rangers dragnet as well as a group of equally murderous bounty hunters led by Ken Dwyer the brother of a policeman Mamma Firefly killed in \\\'House of...

回避了一个庞大的德州游骑兵拖网以及同样凶残的赏金由Ken德怀尔领导(一名警察妈妈萤火虫猎人团体杀害的弟弟在\ \ \'的。。。

Kenos {ken-os'} apparently a primary word; TDNT - 3:659,426; adj AV - vain 9, in vain 4, empty 4, vain things 1; 18 1 empty, vain, devoid of truth 1a of places, vessels, etc. which contain nothing 1b of men 1b1 empty handed 1b2 without a gift 1c metaph.

相关经文回前一页 2756 kenos {ken-os'}很显然的是个字根; TDNT - 3:659,426;形容词 AV - vain 9, in vain 4, empty 4, vain things 1; 18 1 空的,徒劳的,缺乏真理的 1a 对地方或是船等等的来说,那里没有任何东西 1b 对人来说 1b1 空手 1b2 没有带礼物 1c 隐喻。

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Ken's Song
Ken Kaniff (Skit)
Ken 2012
Pimpin' Ken Speaks
Rap Battle: Ryu Vs. Ken

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
