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与 Katrina 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

当被问及总统星期六访问遭受龙卷风袭击地区的决定是否是由于受到卡特里娜飓风的政治影响而作出的的,白宫发言人Dana Perino表示这从来都不是讨论的内容。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina , White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

当被问及总统原定周六访问受灾地区的计划是否因为卡特里娜飓风而受到影响,白宫发言人 D.P。表示那不应该是讨论的一部分。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

在问及总统决定星期六去慰问招受飓风袭击地区是否受卡特里娜飓风事件的影响,白宫发言人Dana Perino称这并不是考虑的因素。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

被问到是否由于受到飓风Katina对政治危机的影响,总统才决定星期六视察飓风袭击地区,白宫女发言人Dana Perino说,政治危机从来都不是讨论的一部分。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

当问道星期六总统对灾区访问的决定是否由卡特里娜飓风带来的政治影响而作出的时候,白宫发言人Dana Perino这个话题从来不讨论。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

当被问及总统决定于星期六慰问龙卷风袭击地区是否是被卡特里娜飓风事件政治效应所影响,白宫发言人Dana Perino回答说那从不是被讨论的部分。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

在问及总统决定星期六去慰问招受飓风袭击地区是否受卡特里娜飓风事件的影响,白宫发言人 Dana Perino 表示这不是考虑的因素。

Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.


Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.


Asked the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion.

当问到如果周六总统访问tornado-stricken地区的决定是否受到因卡特里纳飓风事件而产生的政治效应的影响,白宫发言人DONA PERINO说这从不会在讨论话题当中。

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Oh, Katrina (Interlude)
O Katrina!
Katrina The Levees Broke
Katrina's Fair

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
