英语人>网络例句>IE 相关的网络例句
与 IE 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper proposes the basic strategy and measurements to solve the problem, ie to innovate the service model and implement a customer-oriented and comprehensive risk-preventing consultatory model (tightening legal consultatory model), focusing on the prevention of the legal issue rather than remediation.


I Peter utilizes a great deal of creedal or catechetical material, ie, formal statements on Christian doctrine composed by the apostles for the early church, to speak to a further situation of persecution on behalf of a mixed church of Jewish and Gentile Christians in northern Galatia.


Of course, it has to be attention-grabbing to "go viral"-ie, for everyone who sees it to link to it on their blogs or e-mail it to their friends."It will be the meanest, snarkiest and funniest stuff that will get an audience," says Ms Darr. And lots of people are working on it.


OBJECTIVE:The writer inquires into the principle of diagnosis and treatment,how to select decontamination of intestine,ie.relation between decontamination of intestine and enterogenous infection,etc.by analysing the information on 67 cases of bleeding of inflammatory large intestine.


Thirdly, The mathematics model of forecasting low flow was established in Fengcong and Fenglin regions according to these factors influencing the amount of low flow in karst drainage (the area of drainage, lithology, the type of landforms and its special assembly and forest)The conception of low water resources carrying capacity was firstput forward according to the changing law of low water resources in space and the situation of exploitation and utilization in karst drainage (ie, under the condition of the virtuous ecological environment and the available technology, the explorable amount of water resources in certain areas is capacity and limitation which is able to coordinate the development of population, enviroment and economy during the period of low flow seasons) and preliminarily analyzed its connotation, characteristic and established the index system of low flow in karst drainage.


His function then was limited to the forum externum; in the absence of a priest he could "reconcile" the sinner, ie, restore him to the communion of the Church; but he did not and could not give the sacramental absolution which a priest would have given.

他的职能则是有限的,以论坛externum ;在没有一名牧师,他能&调和&的千古罪人,即恢复他的共融,教会,但他没有也不可能让圣赦免,其中一名神父会有鉴于

Fig 比喻 In its first general election, the in fant (ie newly-formed) Social Democratic Party won few seats.


Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels 和Manoj Pradhan制作的图表计算了基准利率,就是可使通胀率和GDP增长率保持固定幅度的短期贷款利率。

Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels和Manoj Pradhan估算了&金砖四国&的中性利率,即令GDP增长率与趋势增长率相符、并使通胀率保持稳定的短期利率水平。

Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path. The results are startling.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels和Manoj Pradhan对中性利率(neutral interest rates,使GDP保持趋势增长率而通货膨胀率保持稳定的短期利率)做了一个粗略的估计,结果令人吃惊。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
