英语人>网络例句>IE 相关的网络例句
与 IE 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The refrigerator had nothing but mustard, a few cheese slices and fourteen cans of D ie t 7-Up.


Americans still see their country as a land of opportunity, and many bel ie ve that if they work hard and make the right decisions, they can end up rich.


It's a matter of conscience, ie I think it wiould be morally wrong hot to go.


This paper proposed a new experimental system for IE teaching andtraining.


This paper proposed a new experimental system for IE teaching and training. It laid stress on the experimental types of the synthetic and design, and the systematization and consistency of the experiments.

引 言工业工程是研究工业系统的效率与发展的一门工程学科,具有利用自然科学和其它技术对研究对象进行观察、实验、分析、设计等功能和属性,是实践性极强的专业。

The professional footballer who also plays cricket is a rare bird nowadays, ie There are very few of them.


Catholics argued, too, from the ceremonies of baptism, which suppose the child to be under the power of evil, ie, exorcisms, abjuration of Satan made by the sponsor in the name of the child Augustine, loc.

天主教辩称,也很浓厚,从仪式的洗礼,其中,假设孩子受到权力的邪恶,即驱魔仪式, abjuration撒旦作出了由他发起的,在儿童姓名奥古斯丁,同上。

He is above suspicion, ie is not suspected because he is completely trusted.


Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money and accommodative government polic ie s.


Her bones were laid to rest, ie Her body was bur ie d.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
