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与 I.D. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:①Excitation of the NVM by L-glut amate,injection of substance P into the nucleus dorsomedialis, n ucleus paraventricularis or rostral ventrolateral medulla,all induce d pressor responses.②NVM pressor responses could be attenuated by preinjection of [D-Pro2,D-Phe7,D-Trp9]-SP (DPDPDT,a substance P antagonist)bilate rally into the NDM,NPV or RVL,but preinjection of atropine into the RVL had no s uch effect.

结果 :①L-谷氨酸兴奋NVM、P物质注入背内侧核室旁核或延髓头端腹外侧区均引起升压反应;②NVM升压反应可被双侧NDM、NPV或RVL内预先注射[D- Pro2,D-Phe7,D-Trp9]-P物质衰减,但RVL内注射阿托品无此效应;③酚妥拉明i.v。

Well," I says,"it's a rough gang, them two frauds, and I'm fixed so I got to travel with them a while longer, whether I want to or not -- I druther not tell you why; and if you was to blow on them this town would get me out of their claws, and I'd be all right; but there'd be another person that you don't know about who'd be in big trouble.


" "Well," I says,"it's a rough gang, them two frauds, and I'm fixed so I got to travel with them a while longer, whether I want to or not -- I druther not tell you why; and if you was to blow on them this town would get me out of their claws, and I'd be all right; but there'd be another person that you don't know about who'd be in big trouble.


Twenty - three patients underwent ictus therapy of corticosteroids for (8±4) days. The extenuation time of corticosteroid' dosage was (33 ±26) mg /d. Of the 40 patients, 36 were IgG positive with an average A value of (0.91±0. 24) and 4 patients were IgG negative. Twelve patients ( 30%) were with type I avascular necrosis of femoral head, including 3 cases with unilateral left - necrosis and 9 cases of bilateral necrosis. The other 28 patients were without necrosis.

结果全疗程使用的糖皮质激素总量平均为4949 mg±2959 mg,糖皮质激素应用天数平均为24 d±5 d,其应用天数主要集中在16-30 d,使用冲击疗法的病例有23例,其持续天数平均为8 d±4 d,减药速度平均为33 mg/d±26 mg/d.40例患者中,血清抗体IgG测定阴性4例,阳性36例,其吸光度值平均为0.91±0.24。

General I am against the Bears D Garrote direct opening in the bear anger D before the age of 50 does not control, under the common D Bear attacks and individual skills (D Xiong and ZS usually like to leave at the outbreak of anger), and then on the separate (damage, then started to play after more than four seconds or so can be a split of 5 stars).


But somehow I was changing my mind about her almost against my will and I said,"Listen, my Z is out front and if you got no place better to go my apartment is in Lafayette," and shesaid,"I'd love to see it lap the miles," but then she explained that she had to get back to the nineteenth century and she was gone like that just gone and I noticed the whole time we'd been talking she'd been shredding up a paper napkin and it lay in a littlepile like snowflakes that had drifted against the ashtray except of course they weren't snowflakes at all but little shreds of paper, little teensy shreds, and I tried to get one more shot but it was too late.

不过不知怎的,我几乎违背意愿的在改变对她的看法,那我就说:"听着,我的 Z 出去了,那如果你没有更好的地方去,我的公寓在拉斐特,"那她说,"我很愿意绕几哩路去看看,"但是接着又解释说她得回十九世纪去,她就无影无踪了,就这么不见了,而我一直注意着,我们一边谈着话,她就这么一边在撕着一张纸巾,现在它堆在那儿就像一堆从烟缸里飘下来的雪片,当然这不是雪片而是小碎纸片,细细的小碎片,而我想再喝一杯但是已经太迟了。

Injection for 12 d, followed by 12 d of withdrawal, 1 d of re-exposure to morphine 2.5 mg/kg, i.p.

d,经历第一次戒断12 d,再次注射吗啡2.5 mg/kg, i.p。

So, totally serendipitously, I mean by following the regular channels they had told me that I'd have to do a number of make-up years, and I'd decided that I'd drop out, and I just went and knocked on this woman's door.


When i was young, i'd listen to the radio waitting for my favorite songs when they piayed i'd singalong it made me smile thoese were such happy times, and not so long ago how i wondered where they'd gone but they're back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well every sha-la-la-la every woo--woo still shines every sing a-ling a-ling that they're starting to sings so fine when they get to the part where he's breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before it's yesterday once more look in back on how it was in years gone by and the good times that i had makes today seem rather sad so much has changed it was songs of love that i would sing to them and i memorize each world those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away every sha-la-la-la every woo-woo still shines every sing a-ling a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine all my best memories come back really to me some can even make me cry just like before it's yesterday once more.

年轻的时候我喜欢听收音机,等待我的至爱歌曲。歌曲播放时,我跟着一起唱,总会让我开心的笑。那是如此快乐的时光,这并不是很久以前的事情。我常常在想,以前那些歌都到哪里去了?后来他们又回来了,就象又见到久违的老朋友一样,我是多么的热爱这些歌!每个Sha-la-la-la,每个wo-wo 都在闪耀,每个shing-a-ling-a-ling都是那么美好。当歌中唱到他让她心碎时,我真的会哭起来。回想过去多年的日子,当时我曾享受过的美好时光,让我今天更感悲伤。变化实在太大了!我想把爱之歌唱给他们听,我记得其中的每个歌词,那些老旋律对我来说还是那么美妙,仿佛歌可以将岁月镕去。我最美好的记忆全都展现在面前,有些还会让我哭泣。这就象以前一样,昨日重现。这就象以前一样,昨日重现。

The results indicate that the serpentine cat's-eye mainly consists of chrysotiles, which show the characteristic diffraction lines d(subscript 202, 006)=0.2446nm (I/I0=29) and d(subscript 202, 006)=0.2451nm (I/I0=27) in the XRD pattern; two absorption bands near 3600~3690cm^(-1) and three characteristic IR absorption bands around 960~1100cm^(-1) and one weak shoulder absorption band in the IR patterns.

结果表明,四川蛇纹石猫眼的主要组成矿物为纤蛇纹石,具有斜纤蛇纹石d(下标 202。 006)=0.2446nm(I/I0=29)和d(下标 202。 006)=0.2451nm(I/10=27)X射线粉晶衍射的特征谱线;在960~1100cm^(-1)间红外图谱分裂成3个明显的谱带,570cm^(-1)附近的红外谱带以肩状出现,在3600~3690cm^(-1)的高频区出现两个谱带。

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I Thought I'd Seen Everything
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
I Knew I'd Want You
I Thought I'd Write To Juliet
I Thought I'd Seen Everything
I Wish I'd Have A Circle Driveway

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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