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与 I.D. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From there I play to the low D chromatically, and to the high D in the same manner.


We introduce the notion of fuzzy-valued continuous function on a compact set K in a metric space, and discuss its properties; On this base, we study the uniformly d∞-convergence of a sequence of fuzzy-valued continuous function on K. We prove that the space of fuzzy-valued continuous functions on K, i.e. C(K, E1), is a complete metric space with respect to the metric D.

引入了定义在某度量空间的紧子集K上的模糊数值连续函数和水平连续函数的概念,讨论了它们的某些性质;在此基础上,研究了K上模糊数值连续函数列的一致d∞-收敛性,证明了K上模糊数值连续函数空间C(K, E1)关于度量 D 构成一个完备的度量空间。

D'Arcy also questioned the response-time factor cited by the report."Most of our subscribers have actually increased the performance on their search -- there might be a slight difference in latency like a 10th of a second vs. a 12th of a second, but I've never heard that as part of a sales cycle," he said. D'Arcy claims one large company is currently in the process of deploying MessageOne to improve performance after two on-premise products had failed.

D'Arcy 同时还质疑了报告中列举出来的响应时间因素,"实际上,我们的大多数用户反应在搜索过程中产品表现不错—可能在潜伏期略有不同,例如一秒钟10次以及一秒钟12次,但是我从来没听过在一个销售周期中它成为什么问题," D'Arcy 还宣称一家大公司目前正在部署 MessageOne 产品,用来改善之前的2次产品失败。

Ony deserves to be fashionable is the leading advocate every fashion products can be seen to the host, D-NE20 no exception, I believe every one to see the D-NE20 it will thin, ultra-small, ultra-light design and feel pleasant surprise, the original DISCMAN can also do so small, so thin (13.1 mm), while Sony in the "least" some trickery on the definition, but not the so-called All of any case is to give people an impression that small place, the result is the most important, public recognition is successful.


See D after edge tool of this process designing, I am learning D every day almost.


I've try the spanish dinner buffet with my friend last week, lots of choice,I like the Iberico ham, very tasty the waiter told me that ham is almost $600/kg 4 time higher than parma ham and the fish soup is very good too, I dislike the tapas bar-too much deep fried food, but my friend like it, I like the hot food more because I can't eat oyster so I took some spanish seafood rice, chicken in the yellow colour soup, don't know what it call, but my friend eat a lots of sashime she like it because there are 8 kinds and the cook slice the fish in front of us, dessert ok la.

呢度对住个伙敌大海景,不过d客都系一家大细多,有少少酒楼感觉;食物方面选择系多,有泰式,印度野,日式,中西式,不过样样都系普通,冇咩特别系出色。。。。有泰式虾饼,印度咖哩鸡/什菜/羊/nann,寿司,鱼生,海鲜,沙律,申烧,烧味,粥,面包。。。etc,野食普通到冇咩可以特别提及;d 寿司切口唔齐,只系青瓜/蛋/蟹柳卷物。。煎三文鱼唔错,甜品款少,蛋糕又唔吸引,雪糕只有3只味。收碟慢,斟水亦慢。。。同价一定有比呢度更好的。。。

I tried my best in the sight-reading test, I knew I couldn't do better. On my way home, I promised myself,"in my entire life, I don't know when, but there must be a moment when I can play 'Jeux d'eau' in front of the others, WITHOUT score!"

离开时我的脑袋不停在喊著:我这一生人,不知道什麼时候,一定要有一刻可以在人前弹到Jeux d'eau,而且要背谱!!

One day, while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll into my lap also, spelled "d-o-l-l" and tried to make me understand that "d-o-l-l" applied to both.


The yield and sugar of 14 varieties from 5 sites of the Yunnan regional trials in 2004-2006 (2 years of planting and 1 year of ratoon crops) were analyzed using additive main effects multiplicative interaction model and its biplot, stability of varieties parameters represented by D(subscript i, mean yield and sugar and their D values.


4R,5S,6R-5,6-Bis-allyl-6-aldehyde-γ-hexanelactone I-145 was prepared from D-arabinose by six steps. Compound I-145 underwent Mukaiyama-type intramolecular aldolization to produce bicyclooctane I-147 stereospecifically.

我们以D-阿拉伯糖为起始原料,经六步反应,得到(4R,5S,6R)-5, 6-二烯丙氧基-6-醛基-γ-己酸内酯I-145,然后I-145发生分子内的Mukaiyama式aldol缩合反应,完全立体专一性地得到环化中间体I-147。

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I Thought I'd Seen Everything
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
I Knew I'd Want You
I Thought I'd Write To Juliet
I Thought I'd Seen Everything
I Wish I'd Have A Circle Driveway

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
