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House of god相关的网络例句

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与 House of god 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The people at the time of Uzziah were not interested in exalting God, His house or His law.


Charis, of graceful head-dress, wife to the far-famed lame god, came towards her as soon as she saw her, and took her hand in her own, saying, Why have you come to our house, Thetis, honoured and ever welcome- for you do not visit us often?


And thus they returned us awer, saying, We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and build the house that was builded these many years ago, which a great king of Israel builded and set up.

5:11 他们回答说,我们是天地之神的仆人,重建前多年所建造的殿,就是以色列的一位大君王建造修成的。

And thus they returned us answer, saying, We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and build the house that was built these many years ago, which a great king of Israel built and set up.


The ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the wind began to blow, and the winds' to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in body, and terrified in my mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my father's house, and abandoning my duty; all the good counsel of my parents, my father's tears and my mother's entreaties came now fresh into my mind, and my conscience, which was not yet come to the pitch of hardness to which it has been since, reproached me with the contempt of advice, and the breach of my duty to God and my father.


But it shone forth, above all, in the establishment of a community of salvation welcoming within its fold both Jews and Gentiles without distinction, the Death of Christ having broken down the middle wall of partition, ie the Law, and both sections of the human race having thus been reconciled to God so as thenceforth to form but one body, one house, one temple, of which the apostles and Christian prophets are the foundation and Christ Himself is the chief cornerstone.


I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the slave house


Your heart be lifted up and you forget Jehovah your God, Him who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the slave house

8:14 你就心里高傲,忘记耶和华你的神,就是将你从埃及地,从为奴之家领出来的

And you shall stone him with stones so that he dies, because he sought to force you away from Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the slave house.

13:10 你要用石头打死他,因为他想要勾引你离开那将你从埃及地,从为奴之家领出来的耶和华你的神。

Jehovah sent a man who was a prophet to the children of Israel. And he said to them, Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel, It was I who brought you up out of Egypt and brought you out from the slave house

6:8 耶和华就差遣一位申言者到以色列人那里,对他们说,耶和华以色列的神如此说,我曾领你们从埃及上来,带你们从为奴之家出来

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House Of God

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
