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The results showed that the TiN andN films are polycrystalline phase. The properties and structure of TiN films are mainly determined by the N2 mass flow rate, and as the N2 mass flow rate increases, the structure of the TiN films transforms to f.c.c. type leading to better the properties of films. The presence of negative bias voltage can optimize the grain of TiN films, lower the defect proportion and denser the films, which improves the hardness of films. The TiN films conform to the free carrier absorption mechanism and there are many of free electrons with lower N content in TiN films. With the increase of N content, the quantity of free electrons and reflectivity of films decrease, and the plasma frequence shifts to the lower energy, which leads to the regular change of colors of films from silver, yellowy, golden to yellow-red, meanwhile the lightness of films decreases. The goldenN film consists of TiN and ZrN phase, but belongs to a sigle f.c.c. structure with (111) preferred orientation. The Zr-doping dosen't change the position of the valance band, conduction band and forbidden band ofN film, but leads to the presence of new energy levels, which is the reason thatN film remains golden. The transparent hard films with good corrosion resistance and high hardness have been prepared and the further reseachs showed that the grain size of those films is by far smaller than the wave length and the width of forbidden band of those films is very broad, is the reasons that those films are transparent.

研究表明:氮化钛和N 薄膜为多晶态,氮流量决定了氮化钛薄膜的结构和性能,增加氮流量能使氮化钛薄膜的结构向面心立方结构转变,从而得到性能良好的氮化钛薄膜;施加负偏压能优化氮化钛晶粒和减少薄膜中的缺陷,使膜层变得更致密,从而提高薄膜硬度;氮化钛主要遵循自由载流子光吸收,氮含量较少时薄膜中的自由电子数目较多,随着氮含量的增加,薄膜中的自由电子数目不断减少,反射率逐渐降低,等离子体频率向低能端移动,从而使薄膜颜色出现规律变化,由金属色银白色到淡黄、金黄再到红黄,并且薄膜亮度呈下降趋势;金黄色的N 薄膜中存在TiN 和ZrN 的分离相,但其为单一的面心立方结构并具有(111)面择优取向;相对于TiN 薄膜,Zr 掺杂后,并没有使薄膜的导带、价带和禁带发生变化,只是在TiN 禁带内增加了新能级,这也正是掺杂Zr 后,薄膜仍

Results 12 cases as abdominal hernia (of which indirect hernia 9 cases, direct hernia 2 cases, femorocele 1 case), ultrasonography shows middle-high echo or linkage heterogeniety echo clumps; 8 cases as hydrocele, Ultrasonogram shows anechoic; 2 cases as cryptorchidism, ultrasonography shows normal testicular middle-echo; 4 cases as lymph node mass (of which lymphoma 2 cases, lymph node metastasis 1 case, lymph node inflammatory change 1 case), acoustic image shows low weak echo; 4 cases as substance mass (of which fibroma 1 case, spermatic cord tumor 1 case, Desmoid tumor 1 case, spermatic cord inflammation 1 case), Ultrasonography shows non-uniformity middle-highor low echo.

结果 12例为腹外疝(其中斜疝9例、直疝2例、股疝1例),声像图表现为中高回声或混杂性回声团块;8例为鞘膜积液,声像图表现为无回声;2例为隐睾,声像图表现为似正常睾丸样中等回声;4例为淋巴结包块(其中淋巴瘤2例、淋巴结转移1例、淋巴结炎性改变1例),声像图表现为低弱回声;4例为实质性包块(其中纤维瘤1例、精索肿瘤1例、韧带样瘤1例、精索炎症1例),声像图表现为非均匀性中高回声或低回声。

The density of mass whose diameter is less than 3cm is unequal,the mass is lobulous;The thin slice of high-resolution CT scanning may find vacuole.


The thesis calcines process by the fact that the laboratory high temperature Stove simulates the rotary kilns producing ascent K2SO4 adds amounts H3PO4,calcination time and the kiln head calcine the temperature specifically for four kind of the mass affecting a titanium dioxide calcines a parameter mainly, take that white degree, eliminates the color force , PH value and attracts a water yield as main quality index ,adopt the homogeneous sample to follow the parameter having carried out an optimization on specially appointed composition and slanting mass metatitanic acid calcining the best calcination having tested, gaining a group of synthetical quality index.


Glaciers in monsoonal climate, unlike high-latitude glaciers, gains mass from precipitation during the same warm season in which they lose mass from melting, which makes their behaviour complex.


Abstract] objective to discuss radiological findings of parosteal osteosarcoma on emphasis combined with clinical pathology and literature.methods 4 cases of parosteal osteosarcoma proved by operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.results female was 3 cases,male was 1 case,average age was 30.5 years old,these tumors were arised on posterior border of distal femur and popliteal cavity,presented as lobular dense ossified mass,defined lesion.one case had villose margin.a thin narrow lucent zone separated the mass from the cortex at two cases.one case underwent angiography,there was no malignant feature.conclusion parosteal osteosarcoma may be divided into low-grade type and high-grade type.radiological manifestations of early stage possess character,early diagnosis conduces to establish rational treating plan and evaluate prognosis.

目的 结合临床病理学特征和文献资料,重点讨论皮质旁骨肉瘤的x线特征。方法收集经手术、病理证实的皮质旁骨肉瘤病例4例,对其进行回顾性分析。结果 4例患者女3例,男1例,平均年龄30.5岁,肿瘤均发生于股骨远端后侧和腘窝处,表现为分叶状致密骨化肿块,边界清晰,其中1例边缘呈绒毛状改变,2例有细窄透亮带与骨皮质相隔,1例行血管造影,未见血管池等恶性征象。结论皮质旁骨肉瘤分为低度恶性和高度恶性两种,早期影像学表现有特征性,早期诊断有助于制订相应的治疗方案和评估预后。

Using high resolution N-body simulations, we studied the distribution of formation-redshift of dark matter haloes with large span of mass and found that all of the 3 kinds of theoretical models including EPS theory can not explain well the simulation results. This indicates that the theoretical conditional mass function of haloes needs further improvement.


Since the inertial force of piston depends on its mass when the piston reciprocates at high speed, the tolerance of piston mass must be strictly controlled during design and manufacturing, so as to ensure engine operate smoothly.


through making use of the reciprocal statistical fluctuation and the confirmed experimental data of the mass and charge of bose hadrons,to improve the research of the mass effect of the high order integral calculus connection of hadrons multiple number distribution.


The results show that in the applied load range of 10250 N, the mass loss rate of coated AZ91D alloy can be identified to three stages, which are related with whether the coating is worn out. Abrasion is the main mechanism for the coated alloy. The friction coefficient of the coated alloy during sliding wear appears oscillation before it reaches a constant value, which is close to the μ value of the matrix alloy. The mass loss rate of coated alloy increases slightly with increasing applied load when the applied load is more than 150 N because of high plastic deformation accommodation on the matrix alloy surface.

结果表明:根据载荷大小,涂层处理后AZ91D镁合金的磨损行为明显分为3个阶段,这些阶段同陶瓷层是否磨穿密切相关;微弧氧化涂层AZ91D镁合金的磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损;受表面状况的影响,陶瓷涂层的摩擦因数在 0.20~0.45 间波动;在较高载荷下,涂层被磨穿后,涂层的摩擦因数趋于基体合金的摩擦因数,涂层合金的表面变形能力提高,该阶段质量磨损速率随载荷增加,趋势变得缓慢。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
