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Based upon experimental study the advantages of double-admixing concrete with micro-powder of slag and ground fly ash in the application of mass concrete and high-performance concrete,which provide good references for the promotion of FS double-admixing concrete.


The permeability of ore mass has a great influence on the leaching period of heap leaching and the leaching efficiency,hence the uranium ore s with high content of clay is difficult to acidic heap leaching.


Stability of 14 high-cut slopes in Guangdong province is analyzed with typical rock mass structure analysis method and stereographic projection method, and with the numerical simulation method UDEC this paper simulated the excavation and reinforcement courses of the important slopes. Some conclutions and suggestions are based the analysis above.

本文结合广东某省道沿线14个高陡岩石边坡的开挖和支护方案的选择设计,运用常用的岩体结构分析方法和赤平投影方法对边坡的稳定性进行了分析,采用UDEC数值模拟方法对一些重点边坡的开挖支护进行了模拟,得出了以下一些结论: 1、边坡支护形式的选择应遵循&安全绿色、水土保持、恢复自然、环保之路&的设计原则。

Small white sails beat downriver under a threatening mass of indigo cloud, and out at sea the great high-sided bulk of a passenger ferry is dazzlingly illuminated in a sudden shaft of sunlight.


The Challenges Of High Speed Cutting 2 Mechanical Influence Every machine consists of various assemblies, which tend to oscillate because they basically are mass-spring systems of second order.


When the aluminum chloride and iron chloride were compounded with the dosage mass ratio of 1:3,it could not only improve the settling performance and decrease the volume of sludge, but also obtained high oil and turbidity removal efficiencies.


Some of the important progress and interesting problems of nuclear structure under extreme conditions of high spin ,exotic isospin,charge and mass are discussed.


The residues of lincomycin and clindamycin were subsequently analyzed by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.


In a non-breeding, high density population of great gerbil we studied the dependence of stress and sex hormone concentrations, size of the mid-ventral gland and body mass of young males on presence of adult gerbils (≥1 year old) in social groups.


Bashang broad grassland scenery beautiful, American-style villa enjoy, small sub-quota for investment, a comprehensive high-quality after-sales service, coupled with the "mongo'mongo Bashang villa tide to Good Shepherd Mass time share investment vacation mode operation and the promotion of Chief Executive Officer Michael confidently say: this project is that we "the former but not the ancients, the latter not to is no exaggeration to.

坝上草原风景秀丽,美国式的别墅享受,小分额的投资,全面高质量的售后服务,再加上& mongo'mongo坝上别墅潮流良好牧人的份额投资大众的时间休假模式操作和促进首席执行官迈克尔自信地说:这个项目是我们&前,但不是古人,后者不是毫不夸张地。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
