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Delayed Extraction Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometrywas used to high resolution analysis of mix based DNA samples,using the binary matrices 3 HPA(3 Hydroxy 2 Picolinic Acid)/PAand substrate nitrocellose film.

本文使用延迟引出基体辅助激光解吸/电离质谱( DE- MALDI- MS)法,以3-羟吡啶甲酸和吡啶甲酸混合液为二元基体,硝化纤维膜为基底,对混合碱基组成的 DNA样品进行高分辨率测定,获得满意的结果:DNA2 0 - mer分子离子峰分辩率为 8769,DNA 36- mer为 1 650 ,DNA 54- mer为 843,前二者的组成分子离子峰各同位素峰清晰可辩。

With low price, low mass, high corrosion resistance, good strength, our products have also good closeness and are odorless as well as poisonless.


Polygenetic relationship among different types and resources of Narcissus was studied by RAPD and ISSR. And special marker in French type of Narcissus by RAPD was transferred to SCAR, which is more iterative and stable to identify this type materials.1. DNA concentration extracted from Narcissus by 2% CTAB little method was higher than that from other plants by this method or mass method. This indicated that tender leaf tissue with little cellulose was the direct cause of high deriving of Narcissus DNA.


Combined with the construction of high-rise buildings in Taonan district and according to the characteristics, difficulties and key points of engineering the omnibearing quality precontrol and mass quality management activities are carried out.

结合桃南小区 2号、3号高层住宅的施工,针对工程的特点、难点和重点,全方位进行质量预控,开展群众性的质量管理活动,积极推广应用新技术、新材料、新工艺,确保了该工程质量目标的实现,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效

The simulative supercritical helium system designed for testing of CICCsub cable and joint is composed of high pressure He gas tank,pressure regulator,mass flow controller,liquid nitrogen precooler,counter flow heat exchanger,liquid helium bath cooling heat exchanger,etc.

为 CICC( cable- in- conduit conduct)子缆及子缆接头试验而设计的超临界氦迫流冷却系统由高压氦气钢瓶、汇流排、减压阀、流量控制阀、换热器等部件组成。

During the fast development of the high-speed railway and urban mass transit of our country, the locomans training technique need to improve further, and it is very significant to develop the Full-Function Train Simulator with Proprioceptive Simulation system.


Impact of composition upon the cold flow properties for biodiesel was investigated with gas chromatography-mass and cold filter plugging point tester based on the theories of molecular structure and crystal growth. Biodiesel may be considered a pseudobinary mixture consisting of components, with high-melting-point saturated fatty acid methyl esters and with low-melting-point unsaturated ones.


The environmental transport of POPs in Dagu Drainage River selected as a typical example is reasonedly investigated in this article. Characteristics of sediment from DDR in Tianjin are analyzed. The mean value of TOC in sediments is as high as 8%, which is in favor of sorption POPs. The particle sizes of both suspended sediment and bottom sediment are mensurated by Malven Mastersizer. Silt accounts for about 60% in mass, while clay is about 10%. Particles of sediments belong to fine granule. Suspended sediment and bottom sediment mensurated by XRD mainly consist of quartz and illite, both account for 75.5% and 62.2%, respectively. The conformation of suspended sediment is very similar to bottom sediment from SEM photo.

采集自天津大沽排污河的底泥样品进行了特征分析:全河段底泥TOC含量较高,平均值约为8%,利于吸附POPs;Malven Mastersizer激光粒度仪测定了大沽排污河悬浮物和沉积物的粒径分布,结果表明主要以粉砂为主,占60%左右,其次为黏土,占30%左右,大沽排污河底泥颗粒属于细颗粒;悬浮物样品和表层沉积物样品经X射线衍射分析表明,石英和伊利石是大沽排污河底泥悬浮物及沉积物矿物的主要成分,两者之和分别占75.5%和62.2%;环境扫描电子显微镜结果表明,河流底泥悬浮物和沉积物的形态没有本质差别。

China's building materials company to introduce Institute of Science and Technology's patented technology, build a sound modern new building materials, additives series production line, mass production is now HF, AEA concrete expansion agent, high crack resistance waterproofing agent, Saho series admixture brands.


The Changjiang estuary Dongtan wetland was taken as the study area,the stems and roots of pioneer plant Scirpus triqueter were collected and buried in the high-tide flat and the beach within a dam to study the variations in mass,carbon and nitrogen contents in the putrefaction and decomposition process of Scirpus triqueter,and the main factors affecting the plant decomposition were analyzed.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
