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与 Here 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oh my god, I still wear wadded jacket! Having a glance of my phiz, she says "Please, spring is abscent here every year. Are you still a new guy here?"


There have been caught in Walden pickerel, one weighing seven pounds —— to say nothing of another which carried off a reel with great velocity, which the fisherman safely set down at eight pounds because he did not see him —— perch and pouts, some of each weighing over two pounds, shiners, chivins or roach, a very few breams, and a couple of eels, one weighing four pounds —— I am thus particular because the weight of a fish is commonly its only title to fame, and these are the only eels I have heard of here;——also, I have a faint recollection of a little fish some five inches long, with silvery sides and a greenish back, somewhat dace-like in its character, which I mention here chiefly to link my facts to fable.

在瓦尔登湖中,捉到过梭鱼,有一条重七磅,且不去说那另外的一条,用非常的速度把一卷钓丝拉走了,渔夫因为没有看到它,估计它稳稳当当有八磅的重量,此外,还捉到过鲈鱼,鳘鱼,有些重两磅,还有银鱼,鳊鱼(学名Leueiscus Pulchellus),极少量的鲤鱼,两条鳗鱼,有一条有四磅重,——我对于鱼的重量写得这样详细,因为它们的价值一般是根据重量来决定的,至于鳗鱼,除了这两条我就没有听说过另外的,——此外,我还隐约记得一条五英寸长的小鱼,两侧是银色的,背脊却呈青色,性质上近于鲦鱼,我提起这条鱼,主要是为了把事实和寓言连接起来。

William: I think I've found something! Over here – it looks like – like the tail end of a spaceship! In the pictograph , here?


I want to stay here and achieve things here. This is the pinnacle of the game.


All of us here support you and are here for homebrew and not piracy.


Only an old road connects here, local fisherman uses follow to come down here base surround pound pisciculture, it is big big natural mangrove, orchard is mixed next other and natural forest.


Singing birds and flowers perchance have begun to appear here, for flowers as well as weeds follow in the footsteps of man. These hemlocks whispered over his head, these hickory logs were his fuel, and these pitch pine roots kindled his fire; yonder fuming rill in the hollow, whose thin and airy vapor still ascends as busily as ever, though he is far off now, was his well. These hemlock boughs, and the straw upon this raised platform, were his bed, and this broken dish held his drink. But he not been here this season, for the phoebes built their nest upon this shelf last summer.


I'm here as a plenipotentiary from the realm of free spirits. I'm here to create a fever and a ferment.


Faria has dreamed this; the Cardinal Spada buried no treasure here; perhaps he never came here, or if he did, Caesar Borgia, the intrepid adventurer, the stealthy and indefatigable plunderer, has followed him, discovered his traces, pursued them as I have done, raised the stone, and descending before me, has left me nothing.


I am from Poland and I came here because my husband is working here.


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Here Comes The Rain
Anywhere But Here
Down Here
Almost Here
Here She Comes, Here We Go
I'm Not Here For Rage I'm Here For Revenge (More Than Your Hook Up)
We're Not Here For A Long Time (We're Here For A Good Time)
I'm Here, I'm Not Here
Here, Here And Here
Here's To Being Here

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
