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与 Gus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In cotyledon, on one hand, very weak GUS staining was observed in PARF8:GUS, but very strong was found in phyA-209 PARF8:GUS. In the shoot apical meristem, hypocotyle and root tip, on the other hand, phyA-209 PARF8:GUS exhibited weaker GUS activity than PARF8:GUS. Interestedly the same expression patterns of ARF8 resulting from disruption of PhyA have been observed in dark, white-light and far-red-light conditions.


The summary results are below:1. GUS expression under the driving of the BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was essentially undetectable in the young seedlings under normal growth conditions. GUS activity was first detected in the stigma of young flowers, peaked in the young siliques, and decreased when the siliques became older. No GUS expression was found in the mature siliques, seeds or root.2. The BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was inducible by NaCl, PEG, wounding and MeJA treatments. High levels of GUS expression were detected in the transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants after wounding, NaCl, PEG, and MeJA treatment, indicating that the BjCHI1 promoter responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses.3. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in B. juncea was inducible by PEG and NaCl.4. The transcription start site was determined by 5′-RACE, and was located at the 17th nucleotide upstream of the translation initiation codon of the BjCHI1 gene.5. A -805/+17 promoter fragment was enough to response to wounding and MeJA induction, which was proved in transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants. The 397 bp region between -805 and -409 of the BjCHI1 promoter contains a cis-acting element that is essential for the wounding and MeJA inducibility.6. The -695/-620 region was necessary but not sufficient to confer MeJA-responsive expression. A T/G-box locates in -353 play an important role in the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in response to MeJA treatment. The 76 bp region is coupled with the T/G-box to confer full MeJA-inducible transcription of the BjCHI1 gene.

主要结果如下:1、利用转基因拟南芥植株分析表明,正常生长条件下,BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)驱动GUS基因主要在花柱中表达,幼嫩的荚也有表达,并随着果荚的成熟而减弱,成熟的果荚、种子和根没有显示GUS活性。2、BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)能驱动GUS基因在转基因烟草和拟南芥中响应伤害的诱导,转基因拟南芥的分析还证明BjCHI1启动子也受MeJA、NaCl和PEG的诱导,证明BjCHI1启动子是一个伤害、MeJA、NaCl和PEG等生物和非生物因素诱导启动子。3、RT-PCR进一步证明芥菜中BjCHI1基因也受NaCl和PEG的诱导表达。4、5′-RACE法鉴定了BjCHI1启动子的转录起始位点,位于翻译起始位点ATG上游第17个碱基A.5、转基因烟草和拟南芥分析证明,-805/+17的启动子片段足以响应伤害和MeJA的诱导,-805和-409之间397 bp的启动子片段含有对伤害和MeJA诱导必要的元件。6、本明烟叶片瞬时表达系统分析证明,一段76 bp的序列(-695/-620)对BjCHI1启动子响应MeJA的诱导是必要的,但不足以响应MeJA的诱导,位于-353的T/G-box也参与MeJA的诱导。76 bp的序列(-695/-620)与T/G-box协同起作用,赋予BjCHI1启动子MeJA诱导性。

In the fin219-null mutant background, GUS staining can be detected in the hydathode of cotyledons, and the guard cells around hydathodes. GUS staining are also found in the base of trichomes, hypocotyls and roots. In contrast, in the phyA mutant background, GUS-FIN219 was not expressed in the hypocotyls.


The results showed that 7-day-precultured embryogenic calli had the best responses for bombardment among 2-7 day' preculture duration. Enhanced transformation efficiency was found in the explants treated with high osmotic medium 4h prior to till 24 h after bombardment. Particles of gold and tungsten were both found suitable for rice transformation and there was no adverse effect when tungsten particles were reduced to 1/3 standard amount for DNA precipitation on transient GUS gene expression. However, it was found that gold particle had higher GUS expression at 120 h post-bombardment. A preliminary microprojectile transformation system with an average of 15-20 blue spots/explant GUS expression was routinely obtained for 'Tainung 67' by using the particle gun with 1,100 psi rupture disk, 6 or 9 cm microcarrier flight distance and 4 mm of macrocarrier flight distance setting.

初步结果显示,以预培养2~7日之胚性癒合组织逐日测试转殖率,以预培养7日之培植体表现最佳;培植体於转殖前4小时至转殖后24小时以高渗透压培养基处理,有助於转殖效率之提高;比较金、钨粒子对转殖率在转殖后48h並无不同,但转殖后120 h取样,则金粒子组有较高之蓝点数;钨粒子用量可减少至1/3標准用量对转殖率並无影响;利用基因鎗在使用1, 100 psi裂碟片、大载片至挡片之距离为4 mm、微载髁至射击目標之飞行距离6或9 cm之设定,GUS基因表现之平均蓝点数均可达15~20个/培植体。

The existence of the chimaeric gene, TA29-366/GUS/NOS-T, in each kanamycin resistant tobacco plant was demonstrated by PCR and Southern analysis. The histochemical analysis of GUS activity showed that the GUS was appeared only in the tapetal cells of tobacco anther.


The factors affecting transfers of gus gene to apple leaf in vitro were studied during early steps by counting the number of GUS(superscript +) sites and calli developing on leaves, in order to detect quickly gus gene introduce and its transfer efficiency.


He later deflects Gus's question referring to who they will victimize, answering with silence and then ordering Gus to make tea.


Accordingly, a new plasmid Cm1301 was constructed containing osGP fragment (-197~-56) from the osRACD promoter with the minimal promoter,-90 region of CaMV 35S which confers Gus activity detectably only in roots. In the transgenic plants containing Cm1301, GUS activity was detected mostly in the anther.


GUS staining shows that GUS gene was expressed in stems, leaves, calyxes, stamens and siliques in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, with higher expression in green tissue such as stems, leaves, siliques, while invisible in roots, petals, and seeds. The data indicate that MPBQ MT gene promoter was likely to be expressed preferentially in green tissues such as stems, leaves, and young siliques.

GUS组织化学染色结果表明,在MPBQ MT启动子驱动下,报告基因GUS在拟南芥的茎、叶、花萼、雄蕊、种荚均有表达,且在茎、叶、种荚中表达量较高,而在根、花瓣和种子中则没有观察到GUS基因的表达,表明MPBQ MT基因可能仅在拟南芥幼嫩茎、叶、种荚等绿色组织中特异性高表达。

Histochemical assays of GUS gene showed those resistant callus and roots from transgenic plants cultured under light were no blue-stained with X-gluc, but callus and roots after 24 h treatment of darknees and then incubated with X-gluc could present blue. Fluorimetric enzyme quantitative analyses indicated GUS expression in transgenic plants was organ specificity.

转基因抗性愈伤和转基因植株根的组织化学GUS活性检测表明,光照培养下的抗性愈伤和转基因植株根不能使X-gluc显色,而暗处理24 h后的抗性愈伤和定植后转基因植株的根能使X-gluc显色。

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Gus: The Polar Bear From Central Park
Téir Abhaile Riú
Gus: The Theatre Cat
Gus, The Dancing Dog
Ta Mo Chleamhnas Deanta (My Match It Is Made)
River Phoenix
Dear Wack!
Live Life
Sí Do Mhaimeó Í

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