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God's image相关的网络例句

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与 God's image 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Violet Flame Reiki's atonements include: the Peace of God being upon a household, having the light of God in your soul, the wisdom of God in your minds, virtue and purity of God in your feelings, strength and vitality of God among members of your household, health and well-being of God through your bodies, grace of God in worship, talent and genius of God through your senses, victory of God in this earth life.


Theos {theh'-os} of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; TDNT - 3:65,322; n m AV - God 1320, god 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities 2 the Godhead, trinity 2a God the Father, the first person in the trinity 2b Christ, the second person of the trinity 2c Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity 3 spoken of the only and true God 3a refers to the things of God 3b his counsels, interests, things due to him 4 whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way 4a God's representative or viceregent 4a1 of magistrates and judges

相关经文回前一页 2316 theos {theh'-os}不确定相似的字源;神,(与 3588 一起)特别是至高无上的神; TDNT - 3:65,322;阳性名词钦定本- God 1320, God 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 神或女神,神或神格的统称 2 神性,三位一体 2a 上帝天父,三位一体的第一位 2b 基督,三位一体的第二位 2c 圣灵,三位一体的第三位 3 论及唯一真神 3a 与上帝有关的事 3b 祂的劝告,关注,因祂而产生的事 4 任何可以关连於神的,或比拟於神的 4a 上帝的代表或副手 4a1 地方行政官与士师审判官

HH Farmer, Towards Belief in God; R Hazelton, On Proving God; J Hick, The Existence of God; D Hicks, The Philosophical Basis of Theism; AJ Hoover, The Case for Christian Theism; S Jaki, The Road of Science and the Ways to God; CEM Joad, God and Evil; J Maritain, Approaches to God; EL Mascall, The Openness of Being; G Mavrodes, The Rationality of Belief in God; A Plantinga, ed., The Ontological Argument; RC Sproul, If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists?

个HH农民,对信仰的上帝与r黑兹尔顿,就证明上帝; j hick ,上帝存在; d希克斯,哲学基础的有神论;的AJ胡佛情况基督教有神论; s jaki ,道路的科学和如何向上帝;杰姆joad ,上帝与邪恶; j旦,途径上帝下午马斯科尔,公开性被100 mavrodes ,理性的信仰上帝;普兰丁格,版,本体论的论点;钢筋sproul ,如果有一个上帝,为什麼有无神论者?

What god say ones when the sky and earth will be one as the same will be the light and peace at first he came as a menkind the sine was sky and the secouned do you think that god will send him to menkind like a man whow do you think god will do the justise bitween sky and earth or women and man he will com as a women and thats how god will know what have the menkind did all this years and thats how he knows what the heart of men and womens and do you think that god make the 9 month of pragnency for nothing and do you know that the story about eve and adam like they right it god says that all of them saint to him eve was raiped the sin of her was the beauty and she trust adam and not god and who was the snaik or what is the snaik its just a sine of the sexual menkind and the sine of medicine and life the appel was the sine of the baby born the tree of the brain i can tell you what god have told me that every singel word in the bibel pepole will know what it means and why jesus was talking and they didnt anderstand till he was telling them what it means.


Vidicon collect simulate image in period of time and send to computer or DSP chip through video collection card digitlization,use computer to gain eyewinker and process digital image processing:using image area segment and boder measure to calculate area and perimeter;using image smoothness to wipp offthe infection of yawp;using dynamic background and image suited technology to overcome the infection of ray;calculation the parameter of eyewinker(area, perimeter,round measurement, proportion characer and invariant monent),using least norm to design the linearity classify parts,using image matching technologyto classify eyewinker,and to judge whether the eyewinker is harmful to diff background,if the eyewinker satisfy the character require of harmful object ,system will auto-stsrt alarm device. If there ia not have found any eyewinker, Vidicon will collect new simulate image and make processing.


In the c ognitive domain, the synaesthetic image involves the mapping of image from a low er modality onto a higher one more frequently than its inverse, the mapping fromthe more accessible properties of the source image to the less accessible one o f the target image. In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image,provides much food for the subject's aesthetic experience. M eanwhile, in the literary domain, the image reveals its poetic function in narra tion.

在认知的范畴里,通感意象一般 SsbbwW.com 产生于由低级感官域的意象到高级感官域的意象的映射,亦即从可及性较强的意象特征到可及性较弱的意象特征的映射;在美学的范畴里,通感意象作为 dddtt 一种新颖的隐喻意象丰富了主体的审美体验;而在文学的范畴里,通感意象则具有诗学的功能,表现出叙事的文学性。

In the c ognitive domain, the synaesthetic image involves the mapping of image from a low er modality onto a higher one more frequently than its inverse, the mapping fromthe more accessible properties of the source image to the less accessible one o f the target image. In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image,provides much food for the subjects aesthetic experience. M eanwhile, in the literary domain, the image reveals its poetic function in narra tion.


In this way, at the beginning, pretreating the image of pointsman's gesture from the colour vidicon which includes the colour image smoothing and intensifying Then using the way of edge checking and image segmentation to divide the target image, due to the image is interfered badly by noise, Sobel operator is used. Presenting and discribing the divided target profile to prepare the image identifying. Finally, identifying the image with the help of the picture' profile characteristic.


The changes of appearance in buccal cancer patient due to disease itself or after remedy always has big impact on patients' body image. This study explored the adaptation process of body image for appearance changes in buccal cancer patients after surgery and examined the relationship among adaptation, social support, and body image. The purposes of this study were to: 1.explore the distribution of essential attribute, healthy behavior, disease condition, body image, body image adaptation, and social support in buccal cancer patients after operation; and 2. examine if the adaptation of body image and social support will affect patients' body image. The study usee a cross-sectional design and recruit post-operative buccal cancer patients from a regional teaching hospital at southern Taiwan.


The main results in this paper as follows: First, a prototype of a shape-based image database retrieval system is completed, it can receive the query mode both by giving an example image and by sketching the desired object on the screen, Second, five shape-based image retrieval methods are realized; Third, an algorithm based on triangulation for shape-based image retrieval is brought forward. In this algorithm, firstly, the edge of the original image is followed and the candidate corners in the original image are detected. Then the counterpoints of the candidate corners in the result of edge follow are found, and the boundary corners whose counterpoints have been found are queued in the order of their counterpoints in edge follow. After these steps, the boundary corners are triangulated and triangles are obtained which can show the true shape of the original image. Finally, shape feature is obtained by calculating the angle histogram of the triangles.


第2/500页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
In His Image
Mirror Image
Sage Comme Une Image
Shattered Image
Maybe Yes
Image Of The Invisible
Imagine That
BasedGod Fucked My Bitches
God Hates Your Outfit
God Help Me

"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
