英语人>网络例句>Goal 相关的网络例句
与 Goal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, in Japan today, the University continues to be highly competitive entrance examination, the candidates for their goal, and that is what the reputation of the National hehe prestigious universities.


The goal of this research is to apply the theory of competitiveness to the study of tourism development.


Based on the nLMDP andΘ-learning, an states evolution algorithm is proposed.A complementary abstract state space is emerged while the values of actions and the policy are learned. As a result,only goal state and the prototype actions have been enough for the designer.


By introducing the generating method and the expanding method,a complementary abstract state space can be constructed using the generating method on goal state once and the expanding method several times in turn.They are useful tools for designers to construct the complementary abstract state space in an easy way,where the complementarity of abstract states means that each ground state can only be represented by one abstract state and all the ground states can be represented by all the abstract states.


Our first goal is to complete the International Space Station in the following 5 years.


The central goal of this work is trying to generalize the above result to the Higgs version case, which should be helpful to the study of some question, say variants of the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence. The theorem to be proved here is the followingTheorem 02: Let M be a compact complex manifold of dimension m with a Hermitian standard metric g and let be a Higgs bundle over M.

本文的一个主要的目的是把上面的定理推广到E是—Higgs向量丛的情形;这一结果的意义在于在研究与Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence相关的问题,如考虑Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence的形变展现它的作用。

The coordinated development is the final goal of Energy-Economy-Environment system because of the complicatedly interdependent and interactional relationships among them.


On terms that our worlds open day by day, should realize that educate people's basic goal under the environment of complicatedness in ideological and political education, improve the actual effect of ideological and political education, should study the ideology and politics educational work of university students under the guidance of new development view.


In combining with the deterministic propositional dynamic logic, the composable problem of the goal service is determined.


In this way, we can achieve the goal of further compressing an image file.


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One Goal
That's My Goal
Give Us A Goal

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
