英语人>网络例句>Goal 相关的网络例句
与 Goal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's goal is the successful design and operation of chemical reactors.


The primary goal of the treatment of malodor organic sulfide wastewater in methionine chemosynthesis industry was realized and this would facilitate further treatment of the wastewater.


Chi-chi Logistics Since its inception, based on the market, continuous development in the fierce competition has undergone numerous tests, in China's accession to the WTO under the new situation, the company pioneering the development of a new goal, to "the whole process of system-wide" as the transportation logistics services to do policy system, has become a very professional and perfect third-party logistics companies.

祺驰物流自建立以来,立足于市场,不断发展,在激烈的竞争中经历了重重考验,在我国加入 WTO 的新形势下,公司制订了新的创业目标,以"全过程、全系统"为服务方针的物流运做体系,已经成为一家非常专业、完善的第三方物流公司。

Lots of men have found common cause in a way that fits Woolf's take on androgyny, that is, rather than seeing power as the goal and a zero-sum game, they see benefits for both men and women if all get a wider range of social choices (such as choosing various jobs or childrearing, respecting activities traditionally gendered, etc.).


"To you, then, my goal is as much a chimera as perpetual motion?"


"To you, then, my goal is as dddtt.com a chimera as perpetual motion?"


The upshot of all this is that the cherished goal of formalization is revealed as chimerical.


Small Chinchilla said:"The meaning of life lies in dedication, I have only one goal to be recognized by the society."


In the Chinese slide block puzzle, I need to move at least 116 steps to reach the goal.


He said: The ultimate goal is to get everyone in this world chipped with an RFID chip.

" 他说:"最终目标是让世界上的每一个人身体里装上 RFID 卡。

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One Goal
That's My Goal
Give Us A Goal

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
