查询词典 General Sherman
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Based on the power series expansion of the general flexible matrix of the sub-system, a general expression of the dynamic stiffness matrix of the reduced model was derived from the exact expression of the reduced model for the direct substitution dynamic condensation methods. The general expression was also expressed as a power series of the unknown eigenvalues. After that, the validity and error of the Guyan condensation method were analyzed.
对于动力缩聚直接代入法,本文从降阶模型的精确表达式出发,利用子系统广义柔度矩阵的幂级数展开式,导出了降阶模型动刚度矩阵的一般表达,并把它表示为未知特征值的幂级数形式,在此基础上对 Guyan缩聚法的适用范围和误差进行了一般分析。
The author believes: Usually, the penalty of professional criminal negligence should be harder than that of general criminal negligence, but if the actor of general criminal negligence breaks publicly legal prohibitory provision and puts in practice some dangerous behavior, the penalty of general criminal negligence should be harder than that of professional criminalnegligence; There should be not only fixed-term imprisonment and constraint, but fine and capacity penalty.
And general day and Nuojiya are in a few years ago Chinese establish company of Nuo of joint ventures general hand in hand, move in China in TD2 period invite public bidding, general Nuo wins the bid in Wuhan only 200 million yuan, reave 6 into the market.
The research investigates the electromagnetic radiation intensity of MRI in some hospitals of southern Taiwan involving: Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung Verterans General Hospital, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital Department of Kaohsiung, Chi Mei Medical Center Department of Tainan, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiaokang Hospital, 802 Kaohsiung Armed Forces General hospital and Yuan's General Hospital etc. Finally, we got the result On the intensity of electromagnetic radiation was between 6.7μT to 7.8μT. Among these tests, the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of the head is ranged from 7.2μT to 7.6μT, the chest from 7.3μT to 7.7μT, the abdomen from 7.3μT to 7.8μT, the center of door from 6.9μT to 7.5μT, and the relater of control room from 6.7μT to 7.4μT.
With the business principle of "Credit standing at first, client paramountcy",ten years' experience has witnessed the enlargement and expansion joint endevors of our staffs. Ourproducts involve the industries of petrifaction, steel, metallurgy, railway, machinery, and electron, besides, we have been authorized as the exclusive distributor for China by many world famous bearing companies, such as general agent for SLF、DKFL of Germany and agent for NTN specialtype bearings of Japan to the petrifaction line, general agent for ROLLWAY of U.S.A and KRW of Germany to the steel line, general agent for THOMSON of U.
公司本着"信誉第一、客户至上"的经营原则,在全体员工的共同努力下走过了十几年的历程,在这十几年中,随着公司规模不断壮大,业务范围逐渐扩展,客户群已遍及全国各省、市、涉及石化、钢铁、冶金、铁路、机械、电子等行业,并已取得许多国际知名品牌的中国独家代理权,比如面向石化行业的德国SLF、DKFL中国总代理和日本NTN特种轴承代理,面向钢铁行业的美国ROLLWAY和德国KRW的中国总代理,面向机床、电子行业的美国 THOMSON 中国总代理,面向烟草、飞机制造行业的美国SEALMASTER和Mc。
By the so-called Separation bull of Eugene IV,"Ut sacra ordinis minorum"(11 January, 1446), outlined by St. John Capistran, the office of the vicar-general of the Observants was declared permanent, and made practically independent of the minister general of the order, but the Observants might not hold a general chapter seperate from the rest of the order.
所谓的分离牛市的尤金四," UT斯达康萨克拉ordinis minorum "( 1446年一月十一日),概述圣约翰Capistran ,办公室的副主教,一般的Observants被宣布为永久性的,并几乎独立一般部长的命令,但可能不会Observants举行一般性章分开,其余的秩序。
The general rule for configuring a list of dictionaries is to place first the most narrow, most specific dictionary, then the more general dictionaries, finishing with a very general dictionary, like a Snowball stemmer or simple, which recognizes everything.
配置一系列词典的通用规则是把最狭窄,最专用的词典放在最先,然后是更普通的词典,最后是最通用的词典,比如一个 Snowball 词干或者是 simple,它们可以识别一切的东西。
Article 37 If the leader of a region, department or entity alters by himself the data of general surveys of agriculture, orders by force or incites the general survey office, surveyor or object under general survey to alter any data or forge any false data, or retaliates against those persons who refuse or resist the alteration of any data or the formulation of any false data, he shall be given administrative sanctions or disciplinary sanctions, and the statistical organ under the people's government at or above the county level or the investigation team dispatched by the National Bureau of Statistics of China shall circulate a notice on criticism, and if a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities.
In order, however, that those who ought to attend so very useful a council may not be held back in any way from coming, we hereby grant and concede, with the approval of the said sacred council, to each and every one of those summoned to the council by the said Julius, our predecessor, or who ought to take part, by right or custom, in the meetings of general councils, especially those of the French nation, and to those schismatics and others who are coming to the said Lateran council by common or special right, on account of a declaration or apostolic letter of our predecessors or of the apostolic see (except, of course, those under prohibition), and to the attendants and associates of those who come, of whatever status, rank, condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical or secular, for themselves and all their belongings, a free, guaranteed and fully comprehensive safeconduct, for coming by land or sea through the states, territories and places that are subject to the said Roman church, to this Lateran council in Rome, and of residing in the city and freely exchanging views, and of leaving it as often as they wish, with complete, unrestricted and total security and with a true and unchallengeable papal guarantee, notwithstanding any impositions of ecclesiastical or secular censures and penalties which may have been promulgated in general against them, for whatever reasons, by law or by the aforesaid see, under any forms of words or clauses, and which they may in general have incurred.
为了然而,这些谁应该参加这样非常有用的一个委员会可能不会举行任何方式从今后,我们在此授予和承认,并核准说,神圣的理事会,每一个人传唤安理会的朱利叶斯说,我们的前任,或谁应该采取的一部分,由权利或习俗,在会议一般性理事会,尤其是法国的国家,以及那些schismatics和其他谁是未来的说拉特兰安理会通过共同或特殊的权利,考虑到申报或使徒信中我们的前辈或使徒见(当然,除非这些规定禁止),以及人员和同夥的人谁来,无论地位,职级,条件或贵族,他们可能会,教会或世俗的,为自己和所有财物,一个自由,保障和全面的safeconduct ,为今后的陆地或海上的国家,地区和地方,均受说,罗马教会,本拉特兰理事会在罗马,以及居住在城市和自由交换意见,并离开它往往是他们愿意,完全,不受限制和总的安全和真正的和不容挑战教皇的保证,尽管有任何强加的教会或世俗的谴责和惩罚,可能已经颁布了对他们的一般,不论原因,根据法律规定或上述看到,在任何形式的文字或条款,他们可能在一般性支出。
Based on them, this paper proposes evaluation indexof fund performance from the aspect of finance, investor and interiormanagement. Considering the limitation of data envelopment analysis approach usedto evaluate fund performance, such as conventional DEA models can not considerinputs and outputs of evaluation units simultaneously, and an input-oriented DEAmodel and output-oriented DEA model often produce different evaluation results,this paper proposes a general form of DEA model which is input- andoutput-oriented by using multi-objective optimization and fuzzy set theory. Sincethe general form of DEA model can be transformed into a conventional input oroutput oriented DEA model by using special membership functions, it can beseemed as a nature extense of conventional DEA models, and a conventionalmodel can be regarded as a special case of DEA mdoel with general form.
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Until now the drug melarsoprol was used to treat patients in the advanced stage of sleeping sickness.
The larger gear at center is about 80 microns wide.
Then the author particularizes the content of local ***s' culture resources in six aspects, from three lays such as ideas, establishment and products.