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与 Gen. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The US military's operating manual for the Guantanamo prison camp has been posted on the Internet, providing a glimpse of the broad rules and tiniest minutia for detaining suspected terrorists.The 238-page manual,"Standard Operating Procedures for Camp Delta," is dated March 27, 2003, and signed by Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, who was then the commander of the prison that still holds about 300 al Qaeda and Taliban suspects....

美国军方的操作手册为关塔那摩监狱营地已被张贴在因特网上,提供了一瞥广泛的规则和最小的minutia扣查怀疑terrorists.the 238页的手册,&标准作业程序三角洲营地&,这是3月27日, 2003年,并签署了由美国陆军少将杰弗里米勒,谁当时的指挥官,监狱仍持有约300基地组织和塔利班嫌疑人……。

However, Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal told reporters at the Pentagon that the jamming devices had not hurt U.S. troops on the battlefield thus far.

Stanley McChrystal少校在五角大楼告诉记者们,这些干扰器至今并没有破坏美军部队的行动。

These explosions targeted diplomatic missions, said Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, a spokesman for the city's operations command center.


Maj. Gen. Heinz Kokott, commanding the 26th Volksgrenadier Division, scheduled to attack the U.S. 28th Division, was pleased by their attitude: They were fully conscious of their decisive act, confident in their ability, their strength and the promise of strong air support as well as the effort by the war industries at home.


Months before the worldwide condemnation of the treatment of the Abu Ghraib prisoners, Rumsfeld sent Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller to Baghdad from Guantanamo Bay to hit back at the insurgents .


The investigation of the attack in Ishaqi concluded that the U.S. troops followed normal procedures in raising the level of force after they came under fire while approaching a building where they believed an al-Qaida terrorist was hiding, said Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, a U.S military spokesman.

美军发言人,少校William Caldwell,说调查显示在Ishaqi,美军只是按照正常的处置程序行事:当他们在进入一幢他们认为藏有恐怖分子的房屋时遭到了枪击,于是提高了武力的级别。

The withdrawal from Basra comes at the same time retired Maj. Gen. Tim Cross, the most senior British officer involved in postwar planning, criticized former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a British newspaper for dismissing warnings that Iraq could fall into chaos.

在这次从巴士拉撤军的同时,参与过战后计划的高级英国官员,已经退休的少将Tim Cross,在英国报纸上批评前美国国防部秘书 Donald Rumsfeld 关于散布伊拉克将陷入混乱的警告。

Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, chief spokesman for Pakistan's military, said authorities couldn't confirm whether Mr. Mehsud was alive or dead.'We are checking the veracity of the reports of death,' he said.


The next chief of the Israel Air Force, Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, told a leading Israeli think-tank recently that only the presence of IDF ground forces inside the Gaza Strip can disrupt the manufacture of the Kassam rockets now plaguing the western Negev, as well as the smuggling of weapons into the Strip.

下一任的以色列空军少将世界语nehushtan ,告诉领导以色列智囊型最近表示,只有在场的以色列国防军地面部队加沙地带内能扰乱制造的卡萨姆火箭,目前困扰西方内格夫,以及偷运武器进入加沙地带的。

That's what the GIs wanted to tell the generals ,but the generals shook their heads and said, Attack. On November 2, the 28th Infantry Division took it up. Maj. Gen. Norman Cota, one of the heroes of D-Day, was the CO.


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Gen -N-E-Y

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
