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与 Gen. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The homozygous deletion and methylation of p16 gen...

结果 P16基因纯合缺失 7例,甲基化 11例,总失活率为 2 6 。1%(18/6 9)。

Roll dough, led by Shi upper limb surgery were shaking with hypothenar or metacarpophalangeal joint operation by rolling those symptoms limb area, multi-fingered hands with the palm-gen rubbed take a relatively hard upper arm, thigh and wrist traction two-hand shake.


Gen 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.

创 4:22 洗拉又生了土八该隐。他是打造各样铜铁利器的。土八该隐的妹子是拿玛。

The police commander in Kandahar, Gen. Matiullah Qati, said Ms. Kakar had continued working despite repeated death threats.

阿富汗警察部队的长官 Matiullah Qati 将军说,卡卡尔女士虽然收到过多次的死亡威胁,但她仍然坚持工作。

Khun Htun Oo, Chairman of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, the party that won the most seats in 1990, who is serving 95 year long imprisonment in Kachin State and the paramount leader of the Shan State Army 'North' Maj-Gen Hso Ten, who is also serving a 106 years imprisonment in Khamti meanwhile had sent messages to the SSA 'North' that it need not concern itself with their imprisoned leaders.

Khun Htun Oo,掸邦民族民主联盟主席,(该组织1990年曾赢得多数席位),正在Kachin邦服刑,刑期长达95年;北掸邦军最高领导人Hso Ten少校,服刑于Khamti监狱,刑期长达106年;他们两人同时传递消息给北掸邦军,让他们不必顾虑被关押的领导人。

Gen. Kevin Kiley tried to put a positive spin on the situation:"It was a one-sided representation. While we have some issues here, this is not a horrific, catastrophic failure."

Kevin Kiley 少校竟对整个情势上乐观的评论说:&这些只是片面不实的报导而已,并不是什么可怕、悲惨的失败。&

Gen. Kevin Kiley tried to put a positive spin on the situation:"It was a one-sided representation. While we have some issues here, this is not a horrific, catastrophic failure."

Kevin Kiley 少校竟对整个情势上乐观的评论说:&这些只是片面不实的报导而已,并不是什麼可怕、悲惨的失败。&

Chapter 5 and 6 are concentrated on the fundamental problem how to con-struct finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional Liouville integrable Hamiltonsystem.Starting from two isospectral problems,Tu's scheme is applied to gen-erate the corresponding CKdV hierarohy and coupled Burgers hievachy,andthey are shown to be Liouville integrable Hamilton systems.Two spectral prob-lems,which contain three and four potentials respectively,are also studied byTu's scheme.Two new Liouville integrable Hamilton hierarchy are estab-lished.A new general approach using Lenard's gradient sequence is presentedto obtain Lax integrable hierarchy and their zero curvature representation,andsome examples are given.The nonlinearization procedure is applied to theeigenvalue problem of coupled Burgerrs hierarchy.It is shown that underBargmann constraint,the spatial part of the Lax pairs is nonlimearized to be afinite-dimensional Liouville completeiy integrable Hamilton system.


In Chapter 2,we investigate the construction and dimension character-ization of fractal curves in the plane.The method proposed by Bush et al,yielding nondifferentiable continuous functions,is first extended to more gen-eral cases.


Gen 38:4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan.

创 38:4 她又怀孕生了儿子,母亲给他起名叫俄南。

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Gen -N-E-Y

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
