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与 Gem 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the foundation in 1978 the Raab Galerie was located in the centre of Berlins art world, next to the National Gallery and the new Old Master Paintings Museum Gem?


Available in either a fluted or domed bezel perfectly set with 24 or 46 brilliants and a wide range of dials and decors, this exquisitely divine collection boasts a gem-set Roman numeral hour marker at 6 o'clock — an intriguing touch that makes every minute an escape from time.

系列 备有三角坑纹外圈或镶嵌了 24 或 46 颗钻石的圆拱外圈可供选择,同时配合多款表面及装饰。表面六点位置的罗马数字镶嵌了钻石,为腕表增添不少诱人魅力,令人彷佛忘却时间正在每分钟流逝。

Within was a comely boy ,tanned and brown with sturdy outdoor sports and exercises ,whose clothing was all of lovely silks and satins, shining with jewels ;at his hip a little jeweled sword and dagger;dainty buskins on his feet with red heels;and on his head a jaunty crimson cap,with drooping plumes fastened with a great sparkling gem.


The gem is cat's eye of 4 carats.


However, any high quality cut alexandrite gem larger than 5 carats is be extremely rare.


When curators started studying the inscriptions on the piece more was discovered about the history of the gem.


The bands of gem-dicarbonyl CO gradually decreased in intensity and fully desorbed at 300℃ during TPD dynamic process.


Dopping - Attaching a gem to a wooden extension by means of adhesive wax in order to polish or facet the stone with greater ease.


In the gem market today there is also the proliferation of synthetic emeralds.


Gem industry in often referred to as soft green fluorite crystal green, purple amethyst fluorite known as soft water.


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Drop A Gem On 'Em
Gem Of A Bird
That One Pop Gem

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
