英语人>网络例句>Gem 相关的网络例句
与 Gem 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You're indeed a rare gem, so pure, guileless and true to yourself.


Jade is a fascinating gem, not only in its traditional guise, but also in more modern designs.


This attractive chalcedony quartz is also known as Heliotrope because in ancient times polished stones were described as reflecting the sun: perhaps the appearance of the gem reminded the ancients of the red setting sun reflected in the ocean.


Pleochroism: distinct in strong colored gem varieties, kunzite is violet-purple/colorless and hiddenite is green to blue-green/colorless to pale green.


In order to develop direct financing of the small and medium-sized enterprise, Chinese GEM market will be put out imperatively.


He whispered an incantation and the blue gem began to glow.


Somewhat incongruously, MidAmerican owns the second largest real estate brokerage firm in the U.S. And it's a gem.

也许看起来与公司主业有些不太协调, MidAmerican 持有美国第二大房地产经纪公司,这可真是公司的一个掌上明珠。

Somewhat incongruously, MidAmerican owns the second largest real estate brokerage firm in the U.S. And it's a gem. The parent company's name is HomeServices of America, but our 19,200 agents operate through 18 locally-branded firms. Aided by three small acquisitions, we participated in $64 billion of transactions last year, up 6.5% from 2004. Currently, the white-hot market in residential real estate of recent years is cooling down, and that should lead to additional acquisition possibilities for us. Both we and Ron Peltier, the company's CEO, expect HomeServices to be far larger a decade from now.

有点奇怪的是,美中能源另外还拥有全美第二大的不动产仲介商,而她却是一颗耀眼的宝石,母公司的名称是美国居家服务,不过旗下总共19,200名的仲介在全美18州则以不同的名称营业,包含刚购并的三个据点在内,我们去年总共完成了总值640亿美元的不动产交易,较2004年增加了6.5%,近年来呈现白热化的住宅不动产交易市场有冷却的迹象,这将使得我们有更多购并的机会,包含我们跟该公司的总裁 Ron Peltier 在内,都预期美国居家服务在未来十年内还有非常大的成长空间。

On Monday, 3 August 2009 if in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter: the success of the Rights Issue would be materially and adversely affected by: the introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing law or regulation (or the judicial interpretation thereof) or other occurrence of any nature whatsoever which may in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole; or the occurrence of any local, national or international event or change, whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or after the date hereof, of a political, military, financial, economic or other nature (whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing), or in the nature of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conflict, or affecting local securities markets which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole; or any material adverse change in the business or in the financial or trading position of the Group as a whole; or any material adverse change in market conditions (including, without limitation, a change in fiscal or monetary policy or foreign exchange or currency markets, suspension or restriction of trading in securities) occurs which in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Rights Issue; or the Prospectus or announcements of the Company published since the date of the Underwriting Agreement when published contain information (either as to business prospects or the condition of the Group or as to its compliance with any laws or the GEM Listing Rules or any applicable regulations) which has not prior to the date hereof been publicly announced or published by the Company and which may in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter is material to the Group as a whole and is likely to affect materially and adversely the success of the Rights Issue or might cause a prudent investor not to accept the Rights Shares provisionally allotted to it, the Underwriter shall be entitled by notice in writing to the Company, served prior to the Latest Time for Termination, to terminate the Underwriting Agreement.


It is the shining gem nature inlaid into the mountains northwest of Sichuan Province.


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Drop A Gem On 'Em
Gem Of A Bird
That One Pop Gem

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
