英语人>网络例句>Gay 相关的网络例句
与 Gay 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile,over at Casa de Lesbo,Samantha decided if she was going to be gay,she'd be gay all the way.


You know, I'm gay..I'm gay, and I don't molest any children.


Do we condone pedophilia Warning This site is gay , non gay , please do not enter


Openly gay as a sheepherder in Montana in the '60s, but you can't beopenly gay as a successful young actor in Hollywood in 2006, says


Is he a straight gay man, or is he a gay straight man?


Yet it has given license to widespread discrimination against gay Indians, in particular encouraging the country's thuggish policemen to terrorise and blackmail gay men.


"I was just 16," Andresen relates, and Visconti and the team took me to a gay nightclub. Almost all the crew were gay.


Arthur star Bradley James,smiling enigmatically said:Gay fans seem to like us.And some female fans to like us to be gay.

扮演亚瑟的Bradley James&迷人&的笑道:同性恋粉丝好像喜欢我们,一些女性粉丝似乎喜欢我们成为同性恋。

Criticisms like LaSalle's, and those of the many other critics trying to persuade you that Brokeback isn't "really" gay, that Jack and Ennis's love "makes no sense" because they're Wyoming ranch hands who are likely to vote Republican, only work if you believe that being gay means having a certain look, or lifestyle, or politics; that it's anything other than the bare fact of being erotically attached primarily to members of your own sex.

像LaSalle的评论,还有其他那些努力说服你接受以下观点的评论:断背山并不是真正意义上的同性恋,Jack 和Ennis的爱毫无意义因为他们是有可能给共和党投票的牧场工;这样的评论只有在你相信同性恋就意味著有特定的外表,生活方式或政治观点,相信同性恋就是除了性吸引这个赤裸裸事实之外的一切事物的时候才会达到它的效果。

In a recent interview he gave to the Guardian's Alex Needham in Butt magazine , Bloc Party's Kele Okereke said that he's talking about his sexuality more now, with gay magazines at least, because "whenever I go out, I'm always stopped by young, gay kids who say it's really encouraging to see someone like me being out in a relatively mainstream band".


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Gay Robot
Lady Gay
I'm Gay
It's Gay
Enola Gay
Gay Bar
Gay Bar Part Two
He's So Gay
You Made Me Gay
Malchik Gay (Gay Boy)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
