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与 Gay-lussac 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But did you know that over 50% of elephants are gay?


We're not there yet, and that is why our efforts to end discrimination lesbians and gay men are so important.


Th ose who have seen the Sean Penn movie Milk will recall that Dan White,who shot dead the gay San Francisco politician Harvey Milk(and the city's Mayor,George Moscone)claimed during his trial that bingeing on junk food had affected his mood and turned him into a blank-eyed homicidal maniac.


And so, seeing the sun, I got up and put on a dress, a gay dress made out of bright-colored cloth - the same sort of dress that I would wear if I were at home and starting out for a day in the country.


The introduction of full gay marriage is both " unnecessary and vulnerable to constitutional challenge ", according to the group chaired by former Progressive Democrat TD Anne Colley.

据由前民主党议员Anne Colley主持的专家小组说,引入同性恋婚姻既&没必要也易受宪法的挑战&。

While surfing on the news websites from Porto Velho my attention was called to the headline of an article about the lack of police forces to guarantee safeness in the gay parade, and when I went to read the note, check out what I saw: 'The Rondonian gays, who were historically always beaten by the state police, tried to make a good neighborhood policy with the force, paying homage to Colonel Angelina Ramirez, the commandant.

我在Porto Velho逛新闻网站时,我被一篇文章标题吸引,有关警力无法保证同志游行中的安全性,当我读到注解时,我特别再看清楚我所看到的:『在历史上总是被警察殴打的Rondonia地区同志,尝试与警力建立一个良善邻里关系,对当地司令Angelina Ramirez上校表达敬意。

It is hard to tell how many active homosexuals there are in Africa: the International Lesbian and Gay Association, a Brussels-based lobby, guesses there are more than 24m in a continent-wide populace of 900m-plus.

很难说非洲有多少同性恋者:一个位于布鲁塞尔的团体,国际同性恋协会猜测,在拥有9亿多人口的整个非洲大陆有超过24 000 000的同性恋者。

Do you realize that Michael Jackson the king of pop was a child molester, Paris Hilton the millionaire celebrity made numerous *** tapes, Britney Spears the top female singer suffers from mental illness, Snoop Dog the hip hop legend spits out swear words in too many of their songs to count, Miss J of America's Next top model is GAY?

你们有没有意识到流行音乐之王MJ是个恋童癖,富家女帕里斯希尔顿录制了大量的性爱录像带,顶级女歌手小甜甜有精神上的疾病,而Hip-Hop传奇人物Snoop Dog因为在他的歌里涉及了大量粗口而频频被传唤上法庭,而全美超模大赛里的Miss J是个同性恋?

Why on earth gay prefer spicy hole?


Condescending elites are crypto-Europeans—the sort of people who eat arugula, do sissified jobs in offices and universities, and scheme to ban guns and legalise gay marriage.


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Gay Robot
Lady Gay
I'm Gay
It's Gay
Enola Gay
Gay Bar
Gay Bar Part Two
He's So Gay
You Made Me Gay
Malchik Gay (Gay Boy)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
