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与 February 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I expressed the very same view last year during discussions with many foreign visitors , including Mr Alan Greenspan , Mr Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, who were on the cover of the February l5 issue of Time magazine. Time magazine termed them the Three Musketeers who prevented a worldwide financial melt-down.


Every February 27, the collegers gather - a dignified cadre of jackets, vests, and ties - in College Hall for the Threepenny Ceremony.


Every February 27, the collegers gather――a dignified cadre of jackets, vests, and ties――in College Hall for the Threepenny Ceremony.


Only February snow, falling thick and fast in front of window, descend slowly and lightly each melt each, The indistinct one ticktack, seem to pour out the continuous past event......


I'd like to recommend to you a February 16 article in The New York Times titled The.


Goals from Nemanja Vidic, Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov inflicted Chelsea's heaviest defeat since February 2006 to extend their miserable run to one win in five league matches and raise further questions about their own title challenge.


"The group's exploits became legend. Flying the P-40 aircraft, their fuselages painted with a toothsome tiger, the Flying Tigers were credited with shooting down 299 enemy planes and destroying 200 on the ground, even though the Japanese at times outnumbered Chenault's group 15 to one. On one day in late February 1942, the Flying Tigers downed 28 Japanese planes while losing none," the report said.

这个报道说,这支队伍创造了神话般的奇迹,他们使用 P -40战斗机,机身画着耀眼的老虎,飞虎队员创造了在空中击落299架,在地面摧毁200架日本飞机的奇迹,而当时日本的飞机数量是陈纳德大队的15倍。1942年2月下旬的一天,飞虎队就击落日本飞机28架,自己仅仅损失一架。

In February 2003, at the national public research institutes reform type, geographic information systems and mapping projects with the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Institute of the Institute of Geographical Names merger, changed its name to map and Geographic Information Systems Research Institute, Canada linked to the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Toponymy the brand.


The Kenya Tourist Board estimates that $75 million will be lost in revenue for January and another $90 million in February.


It commences at the start of the first term, that is, towards the end of February.


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February Seven
February Snow
Calendar Song (January, February, March ...)
Happy Birthday To Me (February 15)
February 20th
February Stars
Two Days In February

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
