英语人>网络例句>February 相关的网络例句

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与 February 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tema BV was founded in February of 1925 as one sales organization for Steinhause GmbH of Germany.


Brief Introduction Tema BV was founded in February of 1925 as one sales organization for Steinhause GmbH of Germany.


He Terai lot successfully agitated for improved terms in February through a two-week blockade of Kathmandu.


The Terai lot successfully agitated for improved terms in February through a two-week blockade of Kathmandu.


On February 14, he sent a Texan through the Mexican lines with a message.


We regret to inform you that the m.s."International" of cosco covered by us collided with the Liberian Tanker "King Agamemnon" on the 6 February , 2006 in the Straits of Malacca.


Theodosius, Patriarch of Alexandria (10-11 February, 535, and again July, 535- 537 or 538) has left us a few fragments and two letters.

狄奥,主教亚历山大( 10-11日, 535名,并再次7月, 535 -5 37或5 38)离开了我们一些碎片和两封信。

Years 1 28,"national government" with the signing of the Prussian territory of the truce and about compensation. February 17, the head of party members Orleans Thiers came to power.


I expressed the very same view last year during discussions with many foreign visitors,including Mr Alan Greenspan,Mr Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, who were on the cover of the February l5 issue of Time magazine. Time magazine termed them the Three Musketeers who prevented a worldwide financial melt-down.


I expressed the very same view last year during discussions with many foreign visitors,including Mr Alan Greenspan,Mr Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, w ho were on the cover of the February l5 issue of Time magazine. Time magazine termed them the Three Musketeers who prevented a worldwide financial melt-down .


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February Seven
February Snow
Calendar Song (January, February, March ...)
Happy Birthday To Me (February 15)
February 20th
February Stars
Two Days In February

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
