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与 February 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In February 2001, the Honeynet recorded 1,398 Snort alerts, representing an increase of over 890%.


February is the cheapest time to go honeymooning in Celtic Ireland , the snow-capped mountains of Netherlands and Dallas.


I have never seen so much rain as it fell that February.


I have never seen so much rain as fell that February.


On top of the confusing situation that Mercury will bring, a solar eclipse is due this month, so trust that there will be big shifts taking place around you. Until that eclipse has spoken - along with the second one that is due February 9 - you won't know which end is up.


Case reports: We identified 10 patients with zolpidem-induced psychiatric symptoms from a review of medical records between June 2002 and February 2003. Among these patients, three had amnesia, three had somnambulism, three had symptoms of delirium and one had psychotic symptoms.


All at once, towards the end of February, 1832, it was discovered that Brujon, that somnolent fellow, had had three different commissions executed by the errand-men of the establishment, not under his own name, but in the name of three of his comrades; and they had cost him in all fifty sous, an exorbitant outlay which attracted the attention of the prison corporal.


All at once, towards the end of February, 1832, it was discovered that Brujon, that somnolent fellow, had had three different commissions executed by the errand-men of the establishment, not under his own name, 8ttt8.com in the name of three of his comrades; they had cost him in all fifty sous, an exorbitant outlay which attracted the attention of the prison corporal.

忽然,在一八三二年二月的下半月里,人们一下子发现普吕戎这瞌睡虫,通过狱里的几个杂工,不是用他自己的名义,而是8 ttt 8用他三个伙伴的名义,办了三件不同的事,总共花了他五十个苏,这是一笔很不寻常的费用,引起了监狱警务班长的注意。

In September 1981, he was invited by Center of U.S. China Arts Exchange to the United States, where he studied with Prof. Otto Muller of Yale University. In 1982, he successfully conducted at Aspen Festival in the United States. Commissioned by French Music Sound Records Corporation, he made the recording of Beethoven's Symphony No. 1 and No 4. From September 1983 to January 1985, he was involved in the production of the Song Cycle of Chinese Revolutions. Since 1985, he has toured Russia, Japan, Italy, the United States, Britain, Switzerland, South Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Australia and Germany, as well as such places as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In January 1998 and February 1999, Chen Xieyang visited Austria, Germany, and Denmark with Central Nationalities Orchestra of China. He gave concerts on the New Year's Eve of the lunar calendar in the Golden Hall in Vienna, Berlin Philharmonic Hall and so on. In August 2000, with the Central Nationalities Orchestra of China Chen Xieyang participated in the project 'Chinese Culture Touring in the United States', during which they presented concerts in Lincoln Center.


The single for Sonne was released on February 12th 2001 in Europe, featuring an Instrumental version of the song, two remixes by Clawfinger, and Adios off the upcoming album.

单是Sun公司发布的2001年2月12号在欧洲,包括在工具版本的歌曲,两个混音的Clawfinger和 Adios 了即将举行的相册。

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February Seven
February Snow
Calendar Song (January, February, March ...)
Happy Birthday To Me (February 15)
February 20th
February Stars
Two Days In February

If you are committed to an education career, then the Master of Arts in Education from Ashford University is for you.


objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
