英语人>网络例句>Far. 相关的网络例句
与 Far. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More accurately, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, had probably been prompted by back-channel messages to Admiral Radford to send Shepherd to the Far East "for the purpose of advising and assisting Commander Naval Forces, Far East , with particular emphasis on Marine Corps matters."


You can see the formation of new stars and relict light of ancient stars,"blackholes" and "supernova" stars, also nebulas, constellations and whole galaxies located far far away from us.

你可以看到,形成新的恒星和残余轻古代颗星," blackholes "和"超新星"颗星,也nebulas ,星座和整个星系位於远离我们。

However, they lack the dorsal sucker of the Remora, their body is far stouter and their tail is far more developed, and forked instead of rounded.

但是,欠缺的 Remora 的背抽油、他们的身体是远 stouter 和更为发展,和分支而不是他们的尾舍入。

A race of such men of ressentiment is bound to become eventually cleverer than any noble race; it will also honor cleverness to a far greater degree: namely, as a condition of existence of the first importance; while with nobler men cleverness can easily acquire a subtle flavor of luxury and subtlety—for here it is far less essential than the perfect functioning of the regulating unconscious instincts or even that a certain imprudence, perhaps a bold recklessness whether in the face of danger or of the enemy, or that enthusiastic impulsiveness in anger, love, reverence, gratitude, and revenge by which noble souls have at all times recognized one another.


Contemporary natural science, especially the development of the foundation academics at the macro view and tiny view two directions up, all having already outrun what daily life be familiar with and used Newton the classic mechanics and rigid space far and far can explain of scope.


From far far in the high moutain ,lonely little rose is fighting with cold weather .because it wants to know how beautiful spring is ...HOPE is a big word of life.


You get your royal highness to Far Far Away...


On Dean Rusk far stronger influences had come to bear to shape a far stronger character than in the case of the passive Talbot.


We take you to walk up in far group is new-style shipping of case of modern complete works " in far Xiamen " date, take you to experience contemporary sailoring.


We have merely put the practical reason in place of the theoretical: so far as the value of knowledge is concerned the antithesis between Monism and Pluralism is more apparent than real, and the latter is as far from the saneness of realistic Dualism as the former.


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Far From Reality
In Too Far
Compton Isn't Too Far Away
Far Far Away
Far Far Far Away
Far Far
Far Far
Far, Far Away
Far Far Away
Far, Far Away

We believe he will never sell out his friends.


Yes ,now if z will buy her house she will pay it in bags ,but then when you buy house in shanghai ,I am afraid you have to pay for the house in a gunny sack.


