英语人>网络例句>FI 相关的网络例句
与 FI 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can also use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to help friends complete dungeons they are stuck on.

你能也使用任天堂 Wi-Fi 的连接到帮忙朋友完全的地牢他们是附着在。

A company of American that the name is Music Gremlin ever sold this design before Epigon company, the player of Wi-Fi number frequency that this company sale uses at Intel PXA platform, current retail price is 399 dollars.

Epigon公司之前曾将此设计销售给美国一家名为Music Gremlin的公司,这家公司发卖用于英特尔PXA平台的Wi-Fi数字音频播放器,当前零售价为399美元。

In this experiment we used active secondary air and the test engine is G5 Fi engine of KYMCO company. The secondary air flow was controlled electronically. The high-pressure secondary air into exhaust manifold near the cylinder head was controlled with the amount of 10、20、30、40、50 L/min respectively.

本实验使用主动式二次空气,以光阳KYMCO奔腾G5 Fi 喷射引擎为测试车体,以电子方式来控制二次空气流量,分别以10、20、30、40、50 L/min,导入汽缸头旁的排气歧管,藉此让燃烧不完全的废气再继续燃烧。

Verse 2: Bumper exposed and gyal you got di chest out but you no wear sox cause gyal you "Empress" out And if you des out a me you fi test out,Cause I got the remedy to make you de-stress out....

诗 2:缓冲挡暴露和 gyal 你把 di 胸弄外面但是你没有穿着 sox 在外引起 gyal 你&皇后&而且如果你 des 出自一我你 fi 测试出,引起我得到了使你成为 de 的治疗法-强调出。。。。

If these fears are justified, then perhaps we should all be worried about the amount of time we spend talking on our phones or plugging into wi-fi hotpots.


With the introduction of lot of High-Fi gadgets, we have also seen imitations and conterfeit products of the same.

采用大量的高- Fi的产品,我们也看到模仿和conterfeit的产品相同。

Use new network management , you can share your broadband join through Wi-Fi.


High on Wi-Fi The future of this megacity is definitely wireless if trends in new technology are analysed.


The applicability of reagent-injection FI technique in elimination of background absorption was investigated by using the determination of water-soluble chloride in cigarettes, based on the mercury thiocyanate method, as a model.

论文以硫氰酸汞光度法测定烟草中水溶性氯化物的为例,探索了用试剂注入 FI 技术消除样品背景吸收干扰。

They are utilising the bed and the lobby area, and the Wi Fi piece is important.


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Hi-Fi Serious
Hi-Fi Killer
Me Decide Fi Ansa
The Human Drive In Hi-Fi
Fee Fi Fo
Duppy Know Who Fi Frighten
Bun Fi Bun
Nuh Ready Fi Di Video

On the other hand, the more important thing is because the urban housing is a kind of heterogeneity products.


Climate histogram is the fall that collects place measure calm value, cent serves as cross axle for a few equal interval, the area that the frequency that the value appears according to place is accumulated and becomes will be determined inside each interval, discharge the graph that rise with post, also be called histogram.


You rap, you know we are not so good at rapping, huh?
