英语人>网络例句>FABA 相关的网络例句
与 FABA 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Herbicide forcron in certain concentration had obvious genotoxicity on Vicia faba root sip cells.


The biologic assay validated that Allium porrum、Allium cepa、Vicia faba and Gomphrena globosa was better indicator host of LYSV、OYDV、GCLV and PVX respectively. Virus particles were observed in purified sap from infected garlic or infected indicator host.


METHODS:The micronucleus test of Vicia faba root tip cell was used to detect the water quality,and to survey the chemical oxygen demand.The micronuclear rates and Pollution Index were determined and the F-test was used to evaluate the difference in micronuclear rates among different samples.

材料与方法:用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术对各采样点水样进行监测,并对各水样进行化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,CODcr)的测定,统计分析各采样点水样的蚕豆根尖细胞微核千分率及污染指数。

The amino acid digestibilities of corn, wheat middlings, sorghum, rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, cottonseed meal, linseed meal,soybean meal, soybean meal, fishmeal, pea gluten meal, mung gluten meal,and faba gluten meal were determined with Sibbald"TME" method using caecumee tomized cookerels.


160 Cm soil layers by soil drill and Nmin concentrations in the soil were measured by flow analysis after CaCl2 extraction. The results showed that NO3--N is the major inorganic nitrogen form in orthic anthrosol soil, and there are no significant differences in soil Nmin accumulation between sole cropping and faba bean/maize intercropping at the co-growth stage.

在田间条件下于2006—2007年研究了不同氮水平下(N 0、75、150、225、300 kg/hm2)蚕豆/玉米间作体系与其相应单作体系土壤无机氮的时空分布规律,旨在为河西走廊灌区蚕豆/玉米间作体系的氮素管理提供理论依据。

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the biological control aptitude of the cyanobacteria, Anabaena subcylindrica, Nostoc muscorum and Oscillatoria angusta filtrates on the growth of the isolated pathogenic fungi from the different organs of Faba bean.


Three caynobacterial (Anabaena subcylindrica,Nostoc muscorum and Oscillatoria angusta) filtrates were prepared in different concentrations and their effects on the isolated pathogenic fungi from leaves, stems and roots of Faba bean were studied.

为了探讨细菌防治真菌的能力,利用三种蓝绿菌(Anabaena subcylindrica、Nostoc muscorum及Oscillatoria angusta)的菌液抑制由蚕豆根、茎及叶分离出来的各种病源真菌。

Pycnosis occurred dose- and acidity-dependently in 10~180 mg/L Al(superscript 3+)-treated V. faba root cells.

模拟酸雨与高浓度的Al(上标 3+)(10~180 mg/L)复合处理可引起根尖细胞固缩,固缩率随Al(上标 3+)浓度增加和pH降低而增高。

Although you are a bit older than Luxin at the time when he was fond of the delicious Vicia faba, you are far from your old age and are still full of undiminishing vigor and freshing vitality.


By using random amplified polymorphic DNA technique, this paper studied the effects of Cd stress on DNA polymorphism in root tip of Vicia faba seedling s.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
