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与 F. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We use mechanics testing method like stretch and bend to test the 3mm magnesium alloy(MB3) after friction stir welding. The stretch sample can show no less than 70% of raw materials performance when the condition is suitable: R= 1500r/min,v = 90mm/min,R/v=16.7 and F=1470N. Curve intensity of the joint reaches 90.2% and 83.0% at obverse and inverse curve separately.


For the current in the ionization chamber is not amplified, so it is hard to collect the electric signal, in this paper, a direct I/F convertor is used to convert the electric current signal into frequent signal.


WT9.BZ: Theory of generalized tautology in logic system , W and W k is generalized and applied to Lukasiewicz logic system. The main results are as follows: congruence about on set of logic formulas F has been obtained in the system; it is proved that in this system, for any irrational number α, there does not exist accessible α-tautology; and for any real number α, there does not exist accessible α+-tautology; and the relation theorems have been given between categori...

将逻辑系统 W ,W ,Wk 中的广义重言式理论进行推广并应用到Lukasiewicz逻辑系统中,主要结果是:得到了逻辑公式集F在该系统中关于﹁同余的分划;证明了在该逻辑系统中对每个无理数α而言,不存在可达α重言式,且对每个实数α而言,不存在可达α+重言式;给出了广义重言式、广义矛盾式各类之间的关系定理。

In the mean time we also give out a reduction way for nonlinear generalized system F =0 by use of the special projection mappings Q . Based on these we prove that the qualitative structure near the isolated equilibrium point of regular nonlinear generalized system is qualitatively equivalent with the structure near the equilibriun point of the linearization system of nonlinear generalized system, so we give out a way for qualitative analysis near equilibrium point of nonlinear generalized system.


For k≥1, an isometry φ between codes over Zsubscript P(superscript k+1 and codes over Z(subscript P^2) is introduced and used to give a generalization of the Gray map φ: Z(superscript n subscript 4)→F(superscript 2n subscript 2). Furthermore, by means of this isometry, the concept of negacyclic codes is extended to codes over the ring Zsubscript P(superscript k+1. A characterization of these codes in terms of their images under φ is given. It is also shown that the generalized Gray map image of the 1-P(superscript k-cyclic code is a distance-invariant quasi-cyclic code.

文章引入了Z下标 P(上标 k+1码和Z(下标 P^2)码之间的等距同构φ(k≥1);利用φ把Gray映射φ:Z(上标 n 下标 4)→F(上标 2n 下标 2)推广为φ:;而且利用φ,负循环码概念被推广到Z下标 P(上标 k+1码,得到了1-P(上标 k-循环码;依据等距同构φ,给出了这些码的表示;也证明了1-P(上标 k-循环码在推广的Gray映射下的像是距离不变的准循环码。

Products have the F series of European standards, as well as the Japanese standard JIS series.


SS than FS experienced dog's age, experienced the pain of red R14's, experienced a storm on the eve of 60 FS with BB 1VN the age of the water, but also experienced a 17 Austria 44 men's water ice, of course, this version does not say I believe that most of the old FS-player experience in a little under the Austrian non-F is out of the brain or the needs of JJC, most of the time will go back to their previous line of PVP This is the question of the individual game details.

经历过FS不如SS狗的年代,经历过冲R14的痛苦年代,经历过暴风前夕60级FS带水BB 1VN的年代,也经历过17奥44冰的水男年代,当然这个版本就不说了,我相信大部分的老FS玩家都是在稍微体验下奥F 的无脑或者完全是出于JJC的需要外,大部分时间里还是会走回自己以前的PVP路线,这就是个人游戏底蕴问题。

John F Kennedy has a goal for American to go to the moon within the decade.


He'll lie in repose Thursday and Friday at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.

他的遗体将于周四和周五安放在波士顿的约翰· F·肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆中。

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy used the legendary words, Ask not what your country can do for you.


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F.Y.F.R. (Fuck Your Favorite Rapper)
F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back)
If I Only Didn't Want To F The Ones Who Didnt Want To F Me

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
