英语人>网络例句>F. 相关的网络例句
与 F. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the field of logic such a process is known as induction, in contradistinction to the deduction process that leads to f=ma.


Even at daytime as sharp as Radian to the edges, image below 22 mm Leitz, but contrasty, comfortable with instadjust eyecup, better than 22 mm Panoptic even on 18 f/4.2 Starmaster, minor pincushion despite sharp view, no ghosting, a bit of kidney bean.

甚至在白天观测中边缘和RA一样锐利,成像弱于Leitz22,但对比和舒适性由于可调眼罩作用很好,在18 f/4.2 Starmaster上表现优于PO22。很微小的枕失,成像很锐,没有鬼影,有一点黑边。

H-2: The measurable set-valued mapping F : X - CC is -bounded (n+1)-lower semicontinuos where X is a closed, bounded and convex subset of a n-dimension Bana...

的。 H-3:X是1-维赋范线性空间中的有界闭凸子集,可测集值映射F:X→C_c是2-下半连续的(2-l.s.c。)。

Particle physics experiments and geophysical results show that the distance between two points F charge order of magnitude of 10-15-109 cm in the context of Coulomb's law is extremely accurate.


F: This is the first surrender of a person to the international criminal court ever.


What about if we replace panels A, B and F and crossbar H with aircraft-grade aluminum?

要不,我们换掉面板 A B 和 F 横木 H ,用航行器使用的铝?

The 'jewel in the crown' was the Bush administration's announcement in March 2005 that it would sell F-16 to Pakistan again.


The observational and calculated results are well matched. The calculated mean diameter, mean square-root diameter, mean cube -root diameter and liquid water content are all well matched with the observational results; In the paper two examples have been analyzed by using the seeding region data and the possible affecting region data in leeward region. It is found that F-100, 2dc, and 2dp's particle concentrations increase in leeward region, but rising extent is different, which is likely to be due to difference of seeding effect time.


The F function modified cubic equation of state-FRKS and the improved binary interaction function by introducing the pressure factor,were used to correlate excess volumes of binary mixtures at high pressure.


For example, a spill of one cubic foot of liquid nitrogen will vaporize to 696 equivalent volumes of gas at 70°F.

例如,逸出的1立方英尺的液氮在70 °F时将蒸发出696等量体积的气体。

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F.Y.F.R. (Fuck Your Favorite Rapper)
F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back)
If I Only Didn't Want To F The Ones Who Didnt Want To F Me

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
