英语人>网络例句>F. 相关的网络例句
与 F. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any number of development tools can be used to compile and run the .c and .f files found on this course site. C++ compiler is required to compile the .cc files.


The results indicate that the cross-correlation of strength parameters f and c affect the reliability index remarkably.

多方案验算结果表明,强度参数f, c的互相关性对可靠指标的影响比较显著:随着相关性从完全独立变化到完全负相关,可靠指标β与ρ的关系基本呈现非线性的增长,涨幅最大达到48.7%。

Here a, b, c, d, e and f denote the previous six terms a is the number six terms

除以6 时的余数,这里a、b、c、d、e 和f 分别是之前的六

Is decreed to have become vested in the__ as Trustee for B , being one and the same person as F and C

都被裁决授予XXX以作为B 也即F和C的受托人

Music has three clefs , the C , F and G clofe .


LEAK INDICATION - Audible Alarms: Two user-selectable audible alarm option TACHOMETER VISUAL DISPLAY - Tachometer-like bar graph display: Eight high intensity LEDs GEARSHIFT VISUAL DISPLAY - Arranged in a gearshift pattern, 7 LEDs indicate the current sensitivity range of the unit and subsequent leak size FLEX PROBE - 14"/35.5cm long, 0.25"/6.4mm diameter OPERATING TEMP - 0 to 140°F /-18 to 60°C POWER - 75 hours battery life using three size "C" alkaline batteries.

泄漏指示-音频报警:两个用户可选的声响报警选项测速视觉显示-转速样条形图显示: 8个高强度的LED视觉显示换档-排列在换档模式, 7个发光二极管显示目前的敏感性范围内的单位和随后泄漏规模弹性探头- 14 "/三十五点五厘米长, 0.25 "/六点四毫米直径操作温度- 0到140 ° F /-18至60 ° C电厂- 75小时的电池寿命使用三种大小的" C "碱性电池。

If F is no callable, builtin type, any attempt to access the value results in a compile error.

如果 F 不是可调用内建类型,则任何访问该结果值的尝试都会引发编译错误。

Camargo and Tarazona (1990) have estimated 96 hour LCs0 values in soft water of 26.3,26.5, 38.5, 48.2 and 44.9 ppm F- for Hydropsyche bulbifera, H. exocellata, H. pellucidula, H.


Material: wild lily, camomile distillate, dry balsam pear, vitamin C, E, F, vitamin PP, moisture-preserving element BR35

成 份:野百合,甘菊精华,苦瓜干,维他命 C.E.F。维他命 PP ,保湿要素 BR35%。

Function: high concentration plant distillate wild lily, wild rose, camomile, can comfortably appeased, moisten and nourish fragile dry skin around the eye, in addition contain vitamin E, F, PP, moisture-preserving elementBR20% can promote the eye circulation, educe the black socket, defend and delay growing old

功 能:高浓度植物精华野百合,野玫瑰,甘菊,棒实果油,清新安抚,滋润营养脆弱干燥的眼部四周皮肤,另含维他命 E 、 F 、 PP 保湿要素 BR20%,增加眼部循环,淡化黑眼圈,防止延缓衰老化。

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F.Y.F.R. (Fuck Your Favorite Rapper)
F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back)
If I Only Didn't Want To F The Ones Who Didnt Want To F Me

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
