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与 F. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The algorithm can avoid inversing matrixes from which HPD-F suffers and conquer the restriction that stimulus must be periodic, from which HPD-F suffers, so the method can be used for any kind of right stimulus.


Adduct G is isomerized by F. The isomerization energies are relatively high (in the gas phase: 244.77 kJ/mol; in solvent of water: 234.83 kJ/mol), which is consistent with the experiment that adduct F is the primary alkylation product.

加合物G由F异构形成,且有相对高的异构化能(气相:244.77 kJ/mol;水溶剂中:234.83 kJ/mol),这与实验上得到加合物G是主要癌变物的结果一致。

2Spatial learning and memory:In the cued condition, the avoidance latency in the colzapine-exposed group was significantly shorter than the control group in the block 2(p.05),however there is no difference on block 3 between two groups;In the place condition,the clozapine-exposed group prrferred to finding the submerged platform in the serial blocks(P.01);in reversal condition,the filial rats exposed the clozapine had no advantage on finding out the submerged platform in block2,3,4 except of the block l(p.01),the further statistic analysis reminded that it is just the first trial that the filial rats in clozapine-exposed group had the advantage to find out the submerged platform in reversal condition (F=4.86, PO.01).it isimplicated that the clozapine exposed in the gestation lead to the improvement on the acquiry and consolidation.however the acquired memory seems not to be maintained.

OI;提示用药组大鼠的子代记忆巩固能力较对照组好;固定平台再认定位实验中,用药组大鼠的子代首轮寻找平台的潜伏期较对照组明显缩短(F一巧。04,P 。01),以后数轮成绩没有差别。进一步的统计显示,氯氮平孕期使用组大鼠在再认阶段仅仅是首个方向更快的发现平台(F二486,P.01),提示氯氮平孕期使用提高了记忆的获取,但这种已经获取的记忆优势并没有得到保持。

From the F-16's corner speed up to the design airspeed limit (the vertical line at the right hand side of the limit curves) of the two airframes, turn rate and radius are in lock step for both aircraft.


The probing behaviors of the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Gothe, on nine tea cultivars were studied by videotext Direct Current-Electrical Penetration Graph, i. e. DC-EPG. Following seven types of waveforms produced by the leafhopper stylet probing were determined: A, stylet pathway formation; S, salivation when stylets pierce into and stay in phloem; C, active ingestion before stylets reach phloem; E and F, passive ingestion in phloem; R, the insect resting with its stylet inserted into the leaf tissue and NP, not probing.


Results there 93.7% of the pa strains were serotyped (703/750) and the main serotypes were type g, b, l and f, occupied 26.3%(197/750),12.0%(90/750),10.4%(78/750), and 10.2%(77/750), respectively.

结果 750株pa分型率为93.7%(703/750);以g、b、l、f型为主,其中g型197株占26.3%、b型90株占12.0%, l型78株占10.4%,f型77株占10.2%。

Methods The electromyogram evoked potential inspectoscope was used to detect 53 patients suffered from acute peripheral facial neuritis (within 3 days) for the F wave of the cranial nerve of both the healthy side and the invalid side.

目的 探讨面神经F波对于周围性面神经炎的早期诊断意义方法应用肌电图诱发电位检查仪对53例早期(3d内)周围性面神经炎的患者分别检测健侧和患侧面神经F波。

Perceived by a small family of F-box proteins including transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1), auxin regulates gene expression by promoting SCF ubiquitin-ligase-catalysed degradation of the Aux/IAA transcription repressors, but how the TIR1 F-box protein senses and becomes activated by auxin remains unclear.

植物生长素通过促进SCF复合体泛素连接酶催化的Aux/IAA转录抑制蛋白降解,可影响到包括转运抑制效应因子 TIR1在内的一个F-box蛋白小家族,但是对植物生长素如何使TIR1感应并激活仍未了解。

In this latest version of the annual China report, the Pentagon said the F-10 is probably more comparable to the Eurofighter Typhoon and French Rafale, considered among the top three fighters in the world today, after the US F-22A.


F��� cDNA of the proband was synthesized with random primers and amplified by nest PCR.

用 RT-PCR 及筑巢式 PCR 扩增先证者 FⅦcDNA,检测 FⅦ基因大的缺失和插入突变。

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F.Y.F.R. (Fuck Your Favorite Rapper)
F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back)
If I Only Didn't Want To F The Ones Who Didnt Want To F Me

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
