英语人>网络例句>F. 相关的网络例句
与 F. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Three hundred patients with scapulohumeral periarthritis were divided into two groups.Group B was only given propofol,Group F received propfol plus fentanyl.


In this paper, a method from the basic matrix of MU(1) formula is used to prove that a tree resolution proof for an unsatisfiable formula F can be transformed into a homomorphism proof from a MU(1) formula for F.

利用基础矩阵的方法证明了:一个不可满足公式 F 的树消解证明,可以在多项式时间内转换成一个来自 MU(1)中公式的同态证明。

Results: Wallerian degeneration was observed in the proximal and distal ends of all grafts of nerves harvested at 2 weeks post-engraftment; infiltration of T lymphocytes at the grafts in group B was significant, less T lymphocytes were seen in group C, D and E, while no T lymphocytes were seen in group A and F.


We mainly discussed the bonging configurations and element of the SiOx/a-C:F/SiOx multiple-layered films, and the difference from one-layered films before and after annealing.


A The slimmest single filament is most similar to F-actin in size with ~7 nm width at half height and ~35 nmpitch ; the filaments have much wider diameter than the slimmest F-actin ; The branch filament could be con-stituted of two enlaced slimmer filaments , forming the branch in the joining point of another filament ; Two fila-ments are aligned side by side , and thought that there might exist certain interaction between them , which could be theearly step for further assembly of giant filaments.

肌动蛋白可通过自组织过程聚合形成不同直径(7nm~35nm)的长纤维,实验中观察到的最细纤维的结构参数与单根无鬼笔环肽结合时的F-actin[19 ]一致(Fig。 2 a);此外,还有大量具有较大直径和分支结构的纤维出现,表明有不同于单根微丝和微丝束的高级纤维结构产生Fig。

Methods Fifty F-344 rats were divided into four groups, GM only、PAA+GM、PAA only and saline control. ABR thresholds at different frequencies were measured at different times and hair cell losses were numerated. Two-dimensional diffusion assays in the culture medium were performed to evaluate the effect of PAA on the antimicrobial activity.

选用健康F-344大鼠50只,随机分4组:Ⅰ为GM、Ⅱ为PAA+GM、Ⅲ为PAA、Ⅳ为生理盐水对照组;通过观测4组大鼠不同时期、不同频率听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem respons,ABR)阈值的改变;计数耳蜗毛细胞死亡率,以观察PAA对F-344大鼠GM耳蜗毒性的拮抗作用;用双向扩散血清培养基检测法观察PAA 对 GM 抗菌活性的影响。

An F-1 student who has overstayed his or her authorized period of stay or has otherwise failed to maintain F-1 status may be reinstated to lawful status at the discretion of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigrations.

一个持有F-1 签证的外国学生因为在美国身份过期或无法保持学生身分可以申请身份回复,但回复身份的决定权在美国移民局的手上。

Our experimental measurements reified this new theoretical model of describing the capillary filling behavior. The dynamic contact angle depends on Oh and f Re, the capillary filling distance scales with the square of capillary filling time.

依据描述该现象的理论关系式,发现方型微流道内表面张力流毛细填充现象与动态接触角α、欧氏数Oh与无因次化参数f Re有关,藉由实验量测的方式,发现动态接触角为欧氏数Oh及f Re值的函数。

Beef roasts and steaks should cook to 145°F or 160°F for medium.

牛肉烤肉和牛排烹调应以145 ° F或160℃,介质楼。

The main results are:In logic system ,G,tautologies can not be get by using upgrade algorithm to non tautologies within finite many times;In logic system G n,tautologies can be get by using upgrade algorithm to an arbitrary formula of F at most n times; Congruence partitions about on F have been given in logi...

主要结果是:在逻辑系统 G,G中,重言式不可能由对非重言式进行有限次升级算法得到;在逻辑系统 Gn 中,对任一公式最多进行 n次升级算法即可得到重言式;利用可达广义重言式概念和α-矛盾式概念分别在 G,G,Gn 中给出了 F的一个关于同余的分划。

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F.Y.F.R. (Fuck Your Favorite Rapper)
F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back)
If I Only Didn't Want To F The Ones Who Didnt Want To F Me

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
