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This discovery, along with the presence of escaping internal heat and very few impact craters in the south polar region, shows that Enceladus is geologically active today.


The above movie was centered on Saturn's moon Rhea, so that the moons Mimas and Enceladus appear to glide by.


This movie still captures the moons Mimas,Enceladus, and Dione as they begin their race across Saturn's disk.


For example, Saturn's E ring reaches across a broad region that encompasses the satellites Mimas, Tethys , Dione and Rhea, peaking in brightness at the orbit of the smooth, icy moon Enceladus.


Enceladus' brother Mimas was buried beneath Vesuvius by Hephaestus, and the blood of other defeated giants welled up in the Phlegrean Fields surrounding Vesuvius.


The view was acquired at a Sun-Enceladus-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 73 degrees.


Analysis of the outgassing suggests that it originates from a body of sub-surface liquid water , which along with the unique chemistry found in the plume, has fueled speculations that Enceladus may be important in the study of astrobiology .


"We proposed that the crust of Enceladus was composed of two layers: One, a surface layer of ice with carbon dioxide, and two, starting at no more than 3 kilometers, a mixture of icy clathrates that overlaid the core," Kieffer said.


Voyager 1 found that Enceladus orbited in the densest part of Saturn's diffuse E ring , indicating a possible association between the two, while Voyager 2 revealed that despite the moon's small size, it had a wide range of terrains ranging from old, heavily cratered surfaces to young, tectonically deformed terrain , with some regions with surface ages as young as 100 million years old.

旅行者1%,发现土卫二在土星的轨道弥漫密集区E环,表明两者之间可能的关联,而旅行者2号透露,尽管该卫星的体积小,它有一个由老,重坑坑洼洼的地形等多种表面,年轻,构造变形地形,与表面老化,部分地区年轻的为100 亿岁。

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Vinny: These are your last words, so make them a prayer.


What Jesus gathered into His life from his prayers we can never know; but this we do know, that the prayerless life is a powerless life.


It is unclear what kind of relationship Nowak had with Navy Commander Oefelein, but officials say she believed Shipman was romantically involved with him.
