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I think that if there is liquid water there, then Enceladus is the next 'go-to' place in the solar system.


Features on the Saturn moon Enceladus are named for characters and places from the classic literary work Arabian Nights .


The discovery of the plume has added further weight to the argument that material released from Enceladus is the source of the E ring.


However, the current shape also supports the possibility that Enceladus is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, and may have rotated faster at some point in the recent past.


Images of a crescent Enceladus returned by Cassini this past weekend show multiple plumes in striking detail.


Enceladus is 499 kilometers (310 miles) wide.


Instead, the only way sodium can exit Enceladus is for the element to escape from the moon's interior.

但是现在,Kempf和他的研究小组可以确定这些钠元素来源于土星 E环。

Enceladus is already known to vent geysers of water-ice and vapor that contain complex organic compounds.


Explanation: What does the surface of Saturn's ice-spewing moon Enceladus look like?


The Voyagers showed that the diameter of Enceladus is only 500 km , about a tenth of that of Saturn's largest moon, Titan , and reflects almost 100% of the sunlight that strikes it.

在旅行者表明,土卫二的直径只有500 公里左右的土星最大的卫星土卫六,是第十届,并反映了近100 阳光的打击它。

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Vinny: These are your last words, so make them a prayer.


What Jesus gathered into His life from his prayers we can never know; but this we do know, that the prayerless life is a powerless life.


It is unclear what kind of relationship Nowak had with Navy Commander Oefelein, but officials say she believed Shipman was romantically involved with him.
