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与 Early Renaissance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Henryson and Douglas introduced a note of almost savage satire, which may have owed something to the Gaelic bards, while Douglas' version of Virgil's Aeneid is one of the early monuments of Renaissance literary humanism in English.


He believes German sketching has many common points with East Painting, so he has studied early frescos in Italian Renaissance, counterdrawing Giordo, Francesco, Fran Angelico's works, and done a special research over the Vatican frescoes with mural experts from Japan.


Kenneth Armitage was part of the great renaissance of British sculpture in the early post-war years; a renaissance which was appreciated by museums and collectors in New York and Europe even more than in Britain.


Carolingian Renaissance, as a noticeable cultural event in the early Medieval West, laid the foundation of Western thought and knowledge, and was known as the First Awakening of Europe.


The drawing has been present from the early Romanesque and Latin manuscripts and incunabula, fantastic Romanesque and Gothic calligraphy to become individualized for the first time in the works of one of the most prominent European Renaissance miniaturists - the Croat Julije Klovi.


Some styles are named for the period of history in which they originated Grecian, Roman, Renaissance, Empire, Gibson Girl era (early 1900's), flapper (1920's) When such styles return to fashion, their basic elements remain the same.


On one hand, visual art comes from nature, such as Giotto in the early period of the Renaissance; on the other hand, the characteristics of visual art are independent from the nature in terms of the factors and self-determination of painting.


The first chapter discusses the origin of poly-choral style, including historical background on the tradition of psalms singing. The second chapter focuses on Renaissance time at Venice, and discusses the politics, artistic, glass craft, mosaic art synopsis at that time. The third chapter discusses poly-choral music of Venetian school in the early times of 16th century, and main composers of Venetian school including: Andrian Willaert, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, and Claudio Monteverdi in early time of Baroque period. The fourth chapter discusses poly-choral works, the effects of the acoustics "stereo sound", questions of chorus establishment, textures, and questions of annotation and questions when conducting these pieces based on the discussion and summary from the previous three chapter.


Other important milestones in the Early Music Revival included the 1933 founding of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel , Switzerland by Paul Sacher -together with distinguished musicians including the pioneering specialist in early vocal music Max Meili , who contributed to the extensive L'Anthologie Sonore series of early music recordings and recorded Renaissance lute songs for HMV -and the 1937 presentation and recording of some of Monteverdi's Madrigals by Nadia Boulanger in France.

早期音乐复兴中的里程碑包括: 1933年,保罗-撒切尔在瑞士的巴塞尔成立了柏森音乐学院;出现了一批杰出的音乐家,如早期声乐方面的顶级专家迈克斯-梅尔(录制了 L'Anthologie Sonore 系列早期音乐唱片,为HMV录制了文艺复兴时期的鲁特琴歌曲)和1937年在法国表演与录制了蒙特威尔第的牧歌的纳迪亚-勃朗格。阿诺德-多尔梅奇注:法国出生的英国音乐家和演奏家。师从H。维厄唐(1820~1881学习小提琴后移居英国,开始收集、修理并学着演奏古乐器。他仿制了多把诗琴、击弦键琴、拨弦键琴、竖笛等乐器,最后他和他的妻子、孩子一起表演和传播早期音乐。

French Literature The late 15th and early 16th century saw the flowering of the Renaissance in France. The giants of world literature—Franois Rabelais, Pierre de Ronsard are representatives of French Renaissance literature.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
