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Early Renaissance相关的网络例句

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与 Early Renaissance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Donatello, the most famous sculptor in early Renaissance, was born into a Florentine family in the fleece business.


He is handsome with wild oats and world-weariness and is living in scene of debauchery, but this doesn't influence his most works during his short life at all. He not only takes in early renaissance drawer Botticelli's accessorized lines and morbidezza female tinge, but also gets the inspiration(replanting the lateral nose to the frontal portraiture) from cubism, introjects the exaggeration way of ancient African woodcutting and brings the Pre-Raphaelite melancholy temperament into play fully so that forms his own extraordinary style from inspiration based on representation. Particularly, his special representation for female nude is noticeable.


"Known in ancient Egypt, pergola s were a common feature of early Renaissance gardens in Italy and subsequently throughout Europe."


He later attended the University of Texas as a composition student. Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时"早期音乐"圈中的一份子。

Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时"早期音乐"圈中的一份子。

In 1898, he was born in Siena, an Italian city which is known by the "Sienese School" in the early Renaissance period.


He later attended the University of Texas as a composition student. Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时&早期音乐&圈中的一份子。

Toward the end of the decade, Lynch moved to New York and became a fixture in the city's "early music" scene as a lutenist with Renaissance Quartette.

后来他进入德克萨斯大学学习作曲。60年代默契,Lynch移居纽约,并作为吉他手和Renaissance Quartette一起成为纽约当时&早期音乐&圈中的一份子。

As for history and tradition of the world art, he focuses more on the arts with oriental features, for instance, Egyptian art, early Greek art and early Renaissance art.


The early Renaissance is beginning in the 15 century, in Florence, Italy. The purpose of this article is to explore the characteristic of the arts during the early Renaissance, including the paintings, carvings, and architecture. For example in the painting, Masaccio (AD 1401-1428) invent a method called "Perspective".


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
