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与 Dollar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Plus the amerce previously, the total amount that the European Union fines Microsoft reached about 2 billion dollar.


If be convictioned, the imprisonment that 4 the accused return a likelihood to be faced with two years and everybody is highest the amerce of 180 thousand dollar.


And once con accusation holds water, path husband also will be faced with wheat imprison the amerce that reachs 5 million dollar 10 years at most.


You're waiting for your wife.- The dollar say," In God we trust," amigo.


This will tell ReNamer to remove any underscores, dollar symbols, ampersand characters, and the like, from each of the file names.

这会告诉renamer ,以消除任何底线,美元符号,符号字符,和类似的,从每一个文件名。

Main contents: the course of calculus, dollar limits and its application, vector algebra and space analytic geometry.


Today, the currency and export policy of China is anchored around its peg to the dollar.


I do miss smoking a lot, but a promise is a promise, says Anil with dollar signs in his eyes.


An insurance contract in which the insurance company makes fixed dollar payments to the annuitant for the term of the contract, usually until the annuitant dies.


The 3rd quarter is average every trading investment amount is 7.8 million dollar, annulus comparing grew about 5%.


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Million Dollar View
Billion Dollar Babies
Another Day, Another Dollar
I Need A Dollar
1 Trillion Dollar$
1 Trillion Dollar$ (Live)
Million Dollar Misfits
Million Dollar Mexican
Another Day Another Dollar
Dollar For Dollar

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
