英语人>网络例句>Disorder 相关的网络例句

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与 Disorder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mental disturbance , disturbance , psychological disorder , folie


The development of Internet does not have foreword and disorder, its ultimate goal is to realize the sufficient couplet net of human cerebra, this one target arose to help motive force formidably, guide Internet ceaselessly forward progress and evolution.


Focal cerebral ischemia rats with right middle cerebral artery occlusion using a thread block technique had some degree behavior disorder to some degree, with Powerless palpebra frontalis, levo- circling objective signs, and their left forefoot flection couldnt expand thoroughly.

结果 1。大鼠经过栓塞右侧大脑中动脉造成脑缺血后,均出现不同程度的行为异常,表现为上眼睑无力,左侧前肢和后肢屈曲不能充分伸展,或出现向左侧转圈等体征,表明造模成功。

The Chinese government is pretty good at buying off intellectuals and the middle class who fear disorder much more than they want political participation, Fukuyama said.


The English Lexical Representation and Function of Cerebral Hemispheric Characteristic in Chinese Children with English Reading Disorder ...


OBJECTIVE: To develop a functional scale for cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type including functional status and emotional function based on the vertigo disorder scale made abroad.


Immunity is fundamental, The immune function disorder, cellular immune function is low important reason.


Foot Mount Beauty: facial skin disorder caused in part by the pathogenic microorganisms, such as the flat wart, folliculitis, furunculosis sores, etc. Most of the rest of the environment and human body system disorders and related disorders such as acne, chloasma, eczema and so on.


GAD is common; about 1 in 20 adults get an anxiety disorder in their life- time.

总装是常见的;约1 20个成年人获得1焦虑症在其生命的时间。

Judie Gade, head of the Australian group, says its members find it all but impossible to obtain ADHD drugs; many doctors, not believing in a specific disorder, simply offer anti-depressants.

澳大利亚社区的组织领导Judie Gade说,社区成员发现获得治疗ADHD药物是不可能完成的任务;许多医生并不相信某一特殊的状态存在,他们只肯提供抗抑郁剂。

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Delirium Of Disorder
Host Disorder
This Disorder
Identity Disorder
Chaos And Disorder
Disorder & Disarray
Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder Version)

Lugalbanda was a god and shepherd king of Uruk where he was worshipped for over a thousand years.

Lugalbanda 是神和被崇拜了一千年多 Uruk古埃及喜克索王朝国王。

I am coming just now,' and went on perfuming himself with Hunut, then he came and sat.

我来只是现在,'歼灭战perfuming自己与胡努特,那麼,他来到和SAT 。

The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and of St.
