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与 Dealer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Islay orders will be in accordance with the brand does not seek many blind dealer orders, require dealers to combine the areas where consumer demand in order to ensure that the islay down jacket in the terminal according to the dynamic sales and profitability, with the security market opportunities, distributors even 100% of the cash delivery is also enthusiastic; have a high standard of cash flow, according to islay brand will increase input a new round of product development, branding, and so the cycle makes brands, distributors, consumers win.


That chair may be worthless even to a junk dealer.


A child slave on Tatooine, Anakin and his mother Shmi were sold by their owner, Gardulla the Hutt, to the unscrupulous Toydarian junk dealer Watto.


Shmi and Anakin came to Tatooine when he was a toddler, and they were sold by their owner, Gardulla the Hutt, to the unscrupulous Toydarian junk dealer Watto to settle a gambling debt.


A Middle Eastern [an Israeli according to Executive Intelligence Review 3/29/02] man, later identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper area of the cab and said that the operator - Elmakias - was across the street as he pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer, reports said.


Meat dealer: The kidling is very good.

肉 商:这羔羊肉很好。

Meat dealer: Would you like beef or kidling?

肉 商:您要牛肉还是要羔羊肉?

To do this, you must be as knowledgable as the dealer.


Cleveland Plain Dealer,OH- Jul 28, 2006… He runs flashers and spoons on a couple of his fishing rods, gear that is generally used for salmon fishing on Lake Michigan or Lake Ontario.

克利夫兰平原经销商,哦-2 006年7月2 8日……他氙运行和汤匙就数他的钓鱼竿,齿轮,是通常用于鲑鱼湖密歇根湖安大略省。

Consult your authorized Lakota dealer for details.

关于这方面的细节请咨询当地授权的 LAKOTA 经销商。

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Soul Of A Coke Dealer
Call The Dealer
Lady Double Dealer
Love Dealer
Drug Dealer Friend
Slave Dealer's Daughter
Las Vegas Dealer
Life Of A Drug Dealer

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
