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与 Dealer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the high octane opening the film changes gear as the two cops set up surveillance on an arms dealer, Dragon, they suspect of being linked to the gang. Taking over a flat in the block opposite to Dragon's, Brian and Mike face distractions in the form of the flat owner, a senile old woman, and the god-daughter of their informant who turns up uninvited.


Brought to life by an antique dealer, the golem is used as a menial servant.


British a retail dealer in yard goods .


With more than 20 locations and more than 4,000 dealer relationships across India, Asia Pacific Brands plans to go to market under the Grainger brand.


When weighing a dealer's offence, judges have been expected to treat a gram of crack as equivalent to 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of powder.

对毒犯的罪行判重时,法官被认为是把一克强效可卡因当作等同于100克( 3.5盎司)的粉末。

The need to keep that rot from starting a domino effect requires that any and all funds required will be produced to prevent any primary US Treasury dealer or significant OTC derivative grantor from going broke.


Alan Rubin, a leading European furniture dealer based in Paris, brought an ornate carved and gilded Louis XVI bed that was made ten years before the French revolution for Marie-Madeleine Guimard, a leading ballerina at Paris Opera and a well known courtesan of the period.

来自巴黎欧洲领先家具经销商Alan Rubin,带来了雕饰繁多,黄金材质的路易斯XVI床。此床造于法国革命前10年。床给Marie-Madeleine Guimard,她是那个时期最有名的女人并且一位巴黎歌剧院的出色芭蕾舞者。

Gwatney, a car dealer and former state senator was gunned down yesterday in his office.

Gwatney 是一名汽车商人和前州议员,他昨天在他的办公室内被射杀。

Hector Gonzales, a ruthless kingpin who has risen through the ranks over the last ten years and now stands on the verge of ruling the city; Bill Nguyen, a Vietnamese mafia boss; Abe Shanks, a black market organ dealer; Johnny Tran, a young Dai Ca within Nguyen's Viet mafia; Tommy Two Toes, a hot tempered Sicilian Capo; Lenny, a brutal mercenary working for the highest bidder; Pablo Valdez, a flamboyant Columbian drug lord; Donnie Edwards, a drug dealing Vice cop with aspirations to escape the undertow of the cities criminal milieu; and, at the center of this dark yarn, Cash, a gunslinging ex-convict on a death quest to find the man who raped and murdered his wife over a decade ago, Hector Gonzales.

Hector Gonzales是一个凶狠的首领,并在军中服役超过十年了,几乎统治了这个城市。Bill Nguyen是越南黑手党老大。Abe Shanks是一个黑市器官商人。Johnny Tran是Nguyen手下一个年轻越南人。Tommy Two Toes是一个暴躁的西西里岛黑帮老大。Lenny是一个唯利是图的残忍雇佣兵。Pablo Valdez是哥伦比亚毒枭。Donnie Edwards一个贩毒的堕落警察并渴望回头。Hector Gonzales刑满释放,并想在这个充满黑暗,金钱的世界里找十多年前奸杀他妻子的人报仇。

John Clark's in Haifa right now trying to find the arms dealer.


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Soul Of A Coke Dealer
Call The Dealer
Lady Double Dealer
Love Dealer
Drug Dealer Friend
Slave Dealer's Daughter
Las Vegas Dealer
Life Of A Drug Dealer

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
