英语人>网络例句>Dam 相关的网络例句
与 Dam 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of Stal e, when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.


With the force of a giant waterfall, the dam burst, launching a wall of water 18 meters [60 feet] high down the funnel toward Johnstown faster than warnings could be sounded.


Reports said Mr Richards hit the dam at some point during the jump.


Therefore, it have an good meaning to research the karst characteristics of dam area.


The Klamath RiverKeeper, a another California watchdog group, won a victory in March when it got the Environmental Protection Agency to reverse a prior decision and designate the Klamath River as being impacted by algae from a company's dam, where the concentrations exceeded safety standards.


For the arch dam which reservoir has no suitable breach to build lasher and has mass flood discharge, opening large orifice for flood discharge has great advantage.


The reservoir could also break up land bridges into small islands, isolating clusters of animals and plants. In 1986, Venezuela's Ra l Leoni Dam flooded 1,660 square miles (4,300 square kilometers) of land, creating the vast Lake Guri, along with a scattering of nonsubmerged land.

水库还能使打断陆桥,使其分为小岛,分隔动植物种群。1986年,委内瑞拉的Ra l Leoni大坝淹没了4300平方公里的土地,形成了广阔的Guri湖,其中散落着星罗棋布的陆地。

In the same time, the ecological impacts of the dam's construction are a long time's program and the mechanism of it is also complexity and levity.


Especially, the author researches the coupling libration of water and dam detailedly.


Through the analysis of characteristics in curve of deformation tests on the four kinds of rockmasses such as claystone, siltstone, feldspar-quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone underlain the dam foundation of Tingzikou Hydropower Station, it is thought that: the test deformation of thick lithic sandstone is mainly caused by slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice ; the test deformation of feldspar-quartz sandstone is mainly from small crevices in rock, compressive deformation of rock small holes and slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice; and the test deformation of thin layer claystone in which horizontal layer is developed and siltstone is mainly from compression deformation in interlayer, small crevices in rock, compression deformation of rock small holes and slippage deformation of rock crystal lattice.

通过对亭子口水利枢纽工程坝基下卧的黏土岩、粉砂岩、长石石英砂岩和岩屑砂岩等 4 种主要岩性的岩体变形试验曲线特征进行分析,认为:厚层岩屑砂岩的试验变形量主要来自于岩石晶格错动变形,长石石英砂岩的试验变形量主要为岩石内孔隙和空隙变形以及岩石晶格错动产生的变形,而层理较发育的薄层黏土岩和粉砂岩的试验变形量主要由层间压缩变形、岩石内孔隙和空隙变形以及岩石晶格错动产生的变形共同组成。

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Dam That River
My Heart Beats Like A Drum (Dam Dam Dam)
The Dam At Otter Creek
Down By The Dam
Dam Would Break
You Be The Dam, I'll Be The Water

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
